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IAgCrdnVectorFactory Interface


A Factory object to create vectors.

Object Model

Public Methods

Public Method Create Creates a VGT vector using specified name, description and type.
Public Method CreateCrossProductVector Creates a cross product C = A x B.
Public Method CreateDisplacementVector Creates a displacement vector.
Public Method CreateVectorPluginFromDisplayName Create a vector component based on a COM vector plugin. For information how to implement and register VGT plugins, see
Public Method IsTypeSupported Returns true if the type is supported.

Public Properties

Public Property AvailableVectorPluginDisplayNames An array of display names associated with available vector plugins. The elements of the array are strings. Display names are used to create VGT vectors based on COM plugins using method.


Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
[C#] Copy Code
// Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined. 
IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate vector = (IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate)provider.Vectors.Factory.Create( 
    "a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.", AgECrdnVectorType.eCrdnVectorTypeAngleRate); 

Determine if the specified vector type is supported.
[C#] Copy Code
//Check if the specified vector type is supported. 
if (provider.Vectors.Factory.IsTypeSupported(vectorType)) 

    // Create a custom vector. 
    IAgCrdnVector vector = provider.Vectors.Factory.Create( 
        "myVector"string.Empty, vectorType); 


Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
' Create a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
Dim vector As IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate = DirectCast(provider.Vectors.Factory.Create("myVector", "a vector.perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.", AgECrdnVectorType.eCrdnVectorTypeAngleRate), IAgCrdnVectorAngleRate)

Determine if the specified vector type is supported.
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
'Check if the specified vector type is supported.
If provider.Vectors.Factory.IsTypeSupported(vectorType) Then
    ' Create a custom vector.
    Dim vector As IAgCrdnVector = provider.Vectors.Factory.Create("myVector", String.Empty, vectorType)
End If

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