Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Create an external ephemeris or attitude file for a vehicle; or an azel mask file for a Facility, Place, or Target.


ExportDataFile <ObjectPath> {FileType} "<Filename>" [{Options}]


The ExportDataFile command allows you to export an STK ephemeris (*.e), STK Binary ephemeris (*.be), attitude (*.a), or propagator (*.pg) file for a vehicle, or a terrain mask file (*.aem) for a facility, place, or target.

You can also create a Code500 ephemeris file (*.EPH), a Spice ephemeris file (*.bsp) or a CCSDS ephemeris file, version 1.0 or 2.0, (*.oem) for a vehicle.

The command format will depend on the {FileType} specified. Valid values for {FileType} are: Ephemeris, Attitude, PropDef and TerrainMask. Formats are outlined below.


The following table describes the {Options} for the Ephemeris {FileType}, including the ephemeris Type(s) each {Option} is valid for.

Use the Ephemeris {FileType} to export an STK ephemeris file (*.e), an STK Binary ephemeris (*.be), a Code500 ephemeris file (*.EPH), a Spice ephemeris file (*.bsp) or a CCSDS ephemeris file (*.oem) version 1.0 (CCSDS) or version 2.0 (CCSDSv2) for a vehicle.

{Option} Description Valid For Type: Default
Type {STK | Spice | Code500 | CCSDS | CCSDSv2 | STKBinary} Specify the type of ephemeris being created. All STK
CoordSys {Fixed | Inertial | J2000} Specify the desired coordinate system. STK, STKBinary Fixed
Format {Current | 410 | 420 | 430 | 620 | 800} Specify whether the ephemeris file should be compatible with a prior version of STK.

If 410 is entered, then Include is not a valid option for InterpBoundaries.

STK Current
InterpBoundaries {Include | Exclude} Specify whether or not to include Interpolation Boundaries.

If the Format is 410, then the default value is set to Exclude.

STK, STKBinary Include
CentralBody {CBName} Enter the central body for the ephemeris. STK, Spice, STKBinary Vehicle's Central Body
SatelliteID <Value> Enter the identifying number for the satellite for which ephemeris is being created. Enter an integer between -999999999 and 999999999 Spice, Code500 -200000
InterpType {Type13 | Type09} Specify the interpolation type for the Spice file. Spice Type09
InterpOrder <Value> Enter an integer between 1 and 15 Spice 5
Covariance {Position | PosVel | None} Choose to export position covariance (3x3), position/velocity covariance (6x6), or no covariance information. If the requested covariance information is not available from the selected object, the ephemeris file will still be created but a warning will be displayed in the message viewer window. Covariance information may be available for objects whose paths are defined using the HPOP or STK External propagators. The export of covariance information is not compatible with 4.1.0 version format. STK None
TimeSteps {<Value> | UseEphemerisSteps | {Time Array}} Specify the time steps to be used in the Ephemeris file.

<Value> is the step size in seconds. The value should be between 0.001 and 1000000000.0 seconds.

Enter UseEphemerisSteps to use the vehicle's ephemeris steps.

{Time Array} is a time array component that defines the time steps to be used. See Component Specification for information on specifying a time array component.

Note: The use of this parameter is not allowed when exporting position/velocity covariance information.

Note: The keyword TimeSteps replaces the keyword StepSize, which is deprecated in STK 10.

All 60.0 seconds
TimePeriod {TimeInterval} Define the span of the ephemeris in the file.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

All Vehicle's time period
Originator "<StringValue>" Enter a string defining the Originator. The Originator field specifies an identifier of the organization producing the data file.

Note: This {Option} is required if Type is CCSDS.

ObjectID "<StringValue>" Enter a string defining the Object ID. The ObjectID is to be specified as the international spacecraft designator, also known as an NSSDC identifier, which follows a YYYY-NNNA format where YYYY is the year of the launch, NNN is the sequential launch number within that year and A is a letter designating the specific piece from the launch.

Note: This {Option} is required if Type is CCSDS.

ObjectName "<StringValue>" Enter a name for the Object. By recommendation of the CCSDS standard, the name from the SPACEWARN Bulletin should be used. CCSDS, CCSDSv2 Satellite name
CenterName <CBName> Enter a Central Body name. CCSDS, CCSDSv2 Satellite's central body
RefFrame {ICRF | EME2000 | TOD | Fixed | ITRF | MeanEarth} Enter the name of the reference frame.

ITRF is valid only if CenterName is Earth.

MeanEarth is valid only if CenterName is Moon.

Fixed is valid only if CenterName is not Earth or Moon.

UseSatCenterAndFrame {Yes | No} Use the satellite's Central Body and reference frame.

Note: Setting this option to Yes will override any settings for CenterName and RefFrame.

TimePrecision <Value> The number of digits past the decimal point used in the expression of seconds in the selected date format. Enter an integer between 0 and 10. CCSDS, CCSDSv2 6
DateFormat {YMD | YDOY} Enter the desired date format. YMD format is YYYY-MM-DDT:HH:mm:SS.SSS where YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the two digit month, DD is the 2 digit day of the month, HH is the two digit hour, mm is the two digit minute and SS.SSS is a floating point representation of seconds into the minute where the precision is specified via the time precision setting. YDOY is similar except that the day of the year, DDD, replaces the month and day of month: YYYY-DDD:THH:mm:SS.SSS. CCSDS,CCSDSv2 YMD
EphFormat {SciNotation | FloatingPoint} Enter the desired format to be used for representing the position and velocity information as either scientific notation or floating point notation. CCSDS, CCSDSv2 SciNotation
IncludeCovariance {Yes | No} Include covariance data in the exported file. Note: If Yes is entered and covariance data is not available the command will Nack. CCSDSv2 No
IncludeAcceleration {Yes | No} Include acceleration data in the exported file. CCSDSv2 No

CCSDS Ephemeris

The Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems, CCSDS, orbit ephemeris message format is defined by the CCSDS Blue Book, Orbit Data Messages, CCSDS 502.0-B-1 and CCSDS 502.0-B-2. These documents can be downloaded from The role of the CCSDS is to develop recommendations for data and information sharing standards.

Notes on the generation of CCSDS orbit ephemeris messages using STK:


The Attitude {FileType} will create an attitude (*.a) file for a vehicle.

The following table describes the {Options} for the Attitude {FileType}.

{Option} Description Default
Details {Quaternions | QuatAngVel} Specify the type of data to be written to the file, either Quaternions or Quaternions and Angular velocity. Quaternions
CoordAxes {Fixed | J2000 | Custom "<RefAxes>"} Specify coordinate axes for the data. If Custom is specified then a "<RefAxes>" must also be entered.

The format for "<RefAxes>" is "AxesParentPath AxesName". For example "CentralBody/Earth Fixed" or "Satellite/Satellite1 Body".

Vehicle's Coord Axes
Format {Current | 430 | 600} Specify whether the attitude file should be compatible with a prior version of STK. Current
TimeSteps {<Value> | UseNativeTimes | {Time Array}} Specify the time steps to be used in the Attitude file.

<Value> is the step size in seconds. The value should be between 0.001 and 1000000000.0 seconds.

If UseNativeTimes is specified, then the Attitude file will contain the ephemeris time steps plus any additional times where the attitude may change abruptly.

{Time Array} is a time array component that defines the time steps to be used. See Component Specification for information on specifying a time array component.

Note: The keyword TimeSteps replaces the keyword StepSize, which is deprecated in STK 10.

60.0 seconds
TimePeriod {TimeInterval} Define the span of the attitude in the file.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

Vehicle's time period


The PropDef {FileType} will create a propagator (*.pg) file for a vehicle. This {FileType} has no additional options.


The TerrainMask {FileType} will create a terrain mask file (*.aem) for a facility, place, or target. This {FileType} has no additional options.

To create a terrain mask file Terrain must be loaded into the Scenario and set to use for calculations (see the Terrain command). Also, the AzElMask properties of the facility, place, or target must be set to use Terrain (see the SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target) command).


To create an ephemeris file named sat1.e for the Satellite1 object in the current scenario using a J2000 coordinate system, Earth as the central body and includes interpolation boundaries in the file:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite1 Ephemeris "c:\myFiles\dev\sat1.e" Type STK CoordSys J2000 CentralBody Earth InterpBoundaries Include

To create an ephemeris file named sat2.e for the Satellite2 object in the current scenario that contains ephemeris using an inertial coordinate system and Jupiter as the central body saved in 4.1 compatible format:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite2 Ephemeris "c:\myFiles\dev\sat2.e" Type STK CoordSys Inertial CentralBody Jupiter Format 410

To create a CCSDS format ephemeris file named Sat_CCSDS_118c.oem for Satellite1:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite1 Ephemeris "C:\myFiles\dev\Sat_CCSDS_118c.oem" Type CCSDS Originator "AGI Dev" ObjectID "2000-053A" ObjectName "Sat 118" CenterName Moon TimePrecision 4

To create an attitude file named sat2.a for the Satellite2 object in the current scenario using a fixed coordinate system that contains attitude quaternion data:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite2 Attitude "c:\myFiles\dev\sat2.a" CoordAxes Fixed Details Quaternions

To create an attitude file named sat2.a for the Satellite2 object in the current scenario using a inertial coordinate system that contains quaternion and angular velocity data:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite2 Attitude "c:\myFiles\dev\sat2.a" CoordAxes Inertial Details QuatAngVel

To create an attitude file named sat3.a for the Satellite3 object using a fixed coordinate system that contains attitude quaternion data, and includes ephemeris time steps plus additional times where attitude may change, over a one hour time period:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite3 Attitude "c:\myFiles\dev\sat3.a" CoordAxes Fixed Details Quaternions TimeSteps UseNativeTimes TimePeriod "01 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00" "01 Jun 2004 13:00:00.00"

Create a propagator definition file for Satellite1:

ExportDataFile */Satellite/Satellite1 PropDef "C:\stk50DB\EphemFiles\"

Create a terrain mask file for Facility1:

ExportDataFile */Facility/Facility1 TerrainMask "C:\stk50DB\EphemFiles\testmaskoutput.aem"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets

Object Tools




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1