Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics Levels (Comm & Radar)

Set and modify the display of contour levels for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna


Graphics <CommObjectPath> Levels {AddMethod} <Parameters>


Related Commands

The Graphics Levels command for the Communications and Radar modules allows you to set and modify the display of contour levels for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna. Contour graphics only display in the 2D Graphics window if the antenna pattern intersects the Earth. It is possible to have an antenna and contour combinations that result in no contour lines actually being drawn.

{AddMethod} and <Parameters> can be:

{AddMethod} <Parameters> Description
Explicit <LevelValue> {Color} {LineStyle} Add a contour level. <LevelValue> must between -1000.0 and 1000.0.
Attributes <LevelValue> {Color} {LineStyle} Modify attributes for an existing contour level.
StartStop <Start> <Stop> <Step> Create a series of contour levels, beginning with <Start>, ending with <Stop>, and spaced apart by <Step>.

<Start> and <Stop> must between -1000.0 and 1000.0. The <Step> value must be between 0.000001 to 1000.0 or -0.000001 to -1000.0.

ColorRamp {StartColor} {EndColor} Set the contours to use a color ramp, which uses a spectrum pattern between the selected start and end colors.
RemoveAll N/A Remove all contours.
ExplicitColors N/A Set the contours to use explicit colors rather than a color ramp.
AllLevels [LineWidth <Width>] [Labels {On | Off}] [NumDigits <Digits>] Modify values that effect all contour levels. Valid values for <Width> are between 1 and 10. Valid values for <Digits> are between 0 and 12.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

For valid {LineStyle} options see Common Options.

Note: If you set {AddMethod} to ColorRamp, then send an Explicit command, the color change requested by the second command is ignored because the color ramp controls the color choice for graphics. To set colors for each level, send the ExplicitColors command first.


To set the graphics properties of the GndRcvr receiver so that gain contour graphics appear at 30.0 intervals between 0.0 and 90.0:

Graphics */Facility/Customer/Receiver/GndRcvr Levels StartStop 0.0 90.0 30.0

Add another level, at 15.0, to the contours of GndRcvr receiver:

Graphics */Facility/Customer/Receiver/GndRcvr Levels Explicit 15.0 red dashed

Turn on the display of labels and set the number of decimal digits to 4 for all contour levels:

Graphics */Satellite/Satellite2/Transmitter/Transmitter1 Levels AllLevels Labels On NumDigits 4


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1