Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO AccessText

Define the display of access text in the 3D Graphics window


VO <ScenarioPath> AccessText {AccTextOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>]


The VO AccessText command allows you to define the display of access text in the 3D Graphics window.

Valid values for {AccTextOption} are On, Off or Objects.

The optional WindowID <WinNumber> can specify a 3D Graphics window number or All. If All is specified then Connect applies the command to All applicable 3D Graphics windows. If no WindowID <WinNumber> is specified, Connect applies the command to the first 3D Graphics windows.

If {AccTextOption} is On or Off, the <Parameters> are any, all or none of the following:

<Parameters> Description
ShowTime {HHMMSS | Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Days | Centidays} Specify the format of the time for UntilAOS and UntilLOS displays.
Color {Color} For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
XPos <Value> <Value> is a real number between 0 and 1000000
YPos <Value> <Value> is a real number between 0 and 1000000
Size {Small | Medium | Large} Specify the size of the text.
Location {3DWindow | DataDisplay} Specify whether to display the access text in the 3D window or in a separate data display area.

If {AccTextOption} is Objects, then the <Parameters> are

<FromTruncObjectPath> <ToTruncObjectPath> {AOSOptions}
where {AOSOptions} can be any or all of the following:


To set the access text to show AOS and LOS between the aosSat object Facility/aosFac; and then turn the display on:

VO * AccessText Objects Satellite/aosSat Facility/aosFac AOS On LOS On

VO * AccessText On

To change the color and position of the access text:

VO * AccessText On Color red XPos 50 YPos 85

To change what values are displayed for the previously set access:

Hint: Display of AOS will remain on from the command sent in the previous example.

VO * AccessText Objects Satellite/aosSat Facility/aosFac LOS Off UntilAOS On

To turn display of access text back on, but with a different time unit:

Note: The position and color set in the previous example are maintained.

VO * AccessText On ShowTime Minutes

To turn on Access Text and display it in the color red in the data display area of the second 3D Graphics window:

VO * AccessText On Color red Location DataDisplay WindowID 2

To turn on Access Text and display it in the color yellow for all 3D Graphics windows:

VO * AccessText On Color yellow WindowID All


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Object Tools


VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1