Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO Annotation ViewerPos

Control the display properties of the viewer position annotation


VO * Annotation ViewerPos {AnnotationOption} <Parameters>

Related Commands


The VO Annotation ViewerPos command allows you to control the display properties of the viewer position annotation. This annotation shows the location of the eye point in lat, lon, alt coordinates.

Note: {AnnotationOption} can be specified in any order, and any number of {AnnotationOption} can be used in a single command.

{AnnotationOption} <Parameters> Description
Show {On | Off} Display the viewer position annotation.
ShowDistToViewObj {On | Off} Display the distance from the viewer to the object being viewed (Show must be on).
Color {Color} Specify the color of the viewer position annotation. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
Size {Small | Medium | Large} The text size for the annotation.
X <XPos> A real numbers between 0 and 10000.0 representing the X,Y location at which the annotations display, where (0,0) is defined as the lower left corner of the 3D Graphics window.
Y <YPos>
WindowID <WinNumber> Enter the number of the 3D window to which the changes should be applied. If the WindowID option is not specified, the annotations will appear in the first 3D window.


To turn on and set the color to red for the viewer position annotation:

VO * Annotation ViewerPos Show On Color Red


To turn on the distance from the viewer to the object being viewed in for the viewer position annotation for the 3d window with id 2:

VO * Annotation ViewerPos ShowDistToViewObj On WindowId 2


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


VO Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1