Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO Celestial

Define the graphical display of the sun, moon, and celestial sphere in the 3D Graphics window


VO <ScenarioPath> Celestial {Sun | Moon | Stars} {Options}


The VO Celestial command enables you to change settings of the celestial sphere. Settings are applied to the specified 3D Graphics window.

Note: The VO Celestial Sun command replaces the VO Sun command and the VO Celestial Moon command replaces the VO Moon command.

The VO Celestial Sun command enables you to control the appearance of the Sun in the 3D Graphics window.

Sun {Options} Description
All {On | Off} Displays all sun-related graphics.
Show {On | Off} Displays the sun.
Label {On | Off} Displays a text label where the Sun appears.
SolarTerminator {On | Off} Displays a terminator as a yellow line on the surface of the Earth dividing night and day.
SubSolarPoint {On | Off} Displays the subsolar point as a small yellow dot on the surface of the Earth where the Sun is directly overhead.
Sunshine {On | Off} Displays the Sun as if seeing it through glass or air.
UmbraCone {On | Off} Displays the shadow of the Earth.
Penumbra {On | Off} Displays the boundary where the Sun completely appears or just begins to disappear at the horizon.
Daylight {On | Off} Displays a blue sky when the view is within the Earth's atmosphere.
WindowID <WinNumber> If no WindowID is specified, the first 3D Graphics window is used.

The VO Celestial Moon command enables you to control the appearance of the Moon in the 3D Graphics window.

Moon {Options} Description
Show {On | Off} Displays all moon-related graphics.
Label {On | Off} Displays a text label next to the Moon's location.
Image {On | Off} ["<TextureFile>"] If On is entered then specify the image to be used to represent the Moon in a 3D Graphics window by indicating a "<TextureFile>".
WindowID <WinNumber> If no WindowID is specified, the first 3D Graphics window is used.

The VO Celestial Stars command enables you to control the appearance of the Stars in the 3D Graphics window.

Stars {Options} Description
Show {On | Off} Displays all star-related graphics.
ShowPts {On | Off} Displays the star points. See following table for Star {PointOptions}.
{PointOptions} The {PointOptions} are options relating to the display of star points. See the following table for a description of the Star {PointOptions}.
ShowTx {On | Off} Displays the celestial texture map (.ctm). Use the File option to specify the Star texture map.
File <File> Enter the name of the celestial texture map file (.ctm).
WindowID <WinNumber> If no WindowID is specified, the first 3D Graphics window is used.
ShowAs {Points | Texture} Displays the point stars or a celestial texture map (.ctm).

Note: This option is obsolete in STK 9.2.1. Use ShowPts and ShowTx instead.

The following table describes the Star Point options.

{PointOptions} Description
ShowLabels {On | Off} If On is entered then star labels are displayed.
CollectionName {"<CollectionName>" | ScenarioCollection} Specify the collection name of stars to be displayed.
BrightMag <Value> Set the magnitude for the Bright Star. <Value> must be less than or equal to the value for Medium Star.
MediumMag <Value> Set the magnitude for the Medium Star. <Value> must be greater than or equal to the value for Bright Star and less than or equal to the value for Dim Star.
DimMag <Value> Set the magnitude for the Dim Star. <Value> must be greater than or equal to the value for Medium Star.
BrightPtSize <Value> Set the point size for the Bright Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 10.
MediumPtSize <Value> Set the point size for the Medium Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 10.
DimPtSize <Value> Set the point size for the Dim Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 10.
BrightTranslucency <Value> Set the translucency for the Bright Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 100.
MediumTranslucency <Value> Set the translucency for the Medium Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 100.
DimTranslucency <Value> Set the translucency for the Dim Star. <Value> is a real number between 0 and 100.
ColorizeStars {On | Off} If On is entered the color of the stars is based on the magnitude value.
Color {Color} Set the color of stars when ColorizeStars is off. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.


To turn Off all the sun options for the first 3D Graphics window:

VO * Celestial Sun All Off WindowID 1

To turn on the sub solar point and umbra cone for 3D Graphics window 2:

VO * Celestial Sun SubSolarPoint On UmbraCone On WindowID 2

To display the Moon in the 3D Graphics window:

VO * Celestial Moon Show On

To turn on the display of the moon label on the first 3D Graphics window:

VO * Celestial Moon Label On WindowID 1

To use the Moon.ppm image to represent the Moon in the 3D window:

VO * Celestial Moon Image On "f:\STKInstall\STKData\VO\Textures\Moon.ppm"

To show the celestial texture map:

VO * Celestial Stars ShowTx On

To show Star points, set the Star collection and set the magnitude values to define the Bright, Medium and Dim stars:

VO * Celestial Stars ShowPts On

VO * Celestial Stars CollectionName ScenarioCollection

VO * Celestial Stars BrightMag -2.0

VO * Celestial Stars MediumMag 3.0

VO * Celestial Stars DimMag 10.0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


VO Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1