Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO ImageSetDef

Define an image set.


VO <ScenarioPath> ImageSetDef {Action} {ImageSetOptions}

Related Commands


The VO ImageSetDef command is used to define an Image Set to be used on a globe file.

Valid values for {Action} are Add, Modify and Delete.

If the {Action} is Modify and the Image Set does not exist it will be created.

Use the VO TerrainAndImagery command with the Add and Modify options to add imagery files to an Image Set.

The following table describes the {ImageSetOptions} for the command.

{ImageSetOptions} Description
Name "<ImageSetName>" Specify the name of the image set.

Note: This parameter is required for all commands.

UseMinAlt {On | Off} Specify whether or not to use a minimum display altitude.
MinAlt <Value> Specify the minimum display altitude value. <Value> is entered in Connect distance units and should be between -1.0 and 1.0e10 meters. The <Value> must also be less than the maximum display altitude.
UseMaxAlt {On | Off} Specify whether or not to use a maximum display altitude.
MaxAlt <Value> Specify the maximum display altitude value. <Value> is entered in Connect distance units and should be between -1.0 and 1.0e10 meters. The <Value> must also be greater than the minimum display altitude.
UseOnDisplayTime {On | Off} Specify whether or not to use a time to turn on the display.
DisplayOnTime {TimeValue} For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options. The DisplayOnTime must be less than the DisplayOffTime.
UseOffDisplayTime {On | Off} Specify whether or not to use a time to turn off the display.
DisplayOffTime {TimeValue} For valid {TimeValue} values see Time Options. The DisplayOffTime must be greater than the DisplayOnTime.
WindowID <WinNumber> Specify the VO Window, if this option is not entered the first VO Window will be used.


Add an image set and set it's minimum display altitude to 5000 meters:

VO * ImageSetDef Add Name "North Set" UseMinAlt On MinAlt 5000.0

Modify the image set to set a display on time:

VO * ImageSetDef Modify Name "North Set" UseOnDisplayTime On DisplayOnTime "1 Jul 2005 14:30:00.00"

Delete the image set:

VO * ImageSetDef Delete Name "North Set"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


VO Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1