Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO OpenGLInitParms

Provide support for advanced 3D viewing options


VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters>


The VO OpenGLInitParms command allows you set set the options that provide support for advanced 3D viewing.

The following table describes these options.

{Option} Description
SupportAntiAliasing {On | Off} Turn this option On to smooth jagged edges for projects such as creating poster images or to create clean images for use in high-quality presentations.
SupportStereo {On | Off} Enter On to allow 3D stereo viewing.
UsePBufferIfAvailable {On | Off} If this option is turned on then STK renders the contents of the selected 3D window offscreen in a pixel buffer (pbuffer) before rendering it to the 3D window or image.
NumStencilBits <Value> Enter an integer value greater or equal to than 0. If the number entered is non-zero, STK will attempt to allocate a stencil buffer with the specified bit depth. The default value is 8.
TextUseTextures {On | Off} If enabled, OpenGL textures, rather than standard OpenGL fonts, are used for fonts.
TextAntiAlias {On | Off} Turn on this option to smooth fonts by removing jagged edges.
ColladaModelsDisabled {On | Off} If this option is turned on then, when loading or creating an object, dae files will be replaced with the default mdl model file for the object.


VO / OpenGLInitParms NumStencilBits 4

VO / OpenGLInitParms SupportStereo On

VO / OpenGLInitParms TextUseTextures On TextAntiAlias On


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options


VO Window



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1