Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO OrbitSystem

Set the frame of reference for a vehicle's orbit or trajectory.


VO <VehObjectPath> OrbitSystem {Action} {Options}


The VO OrbitSystem command allows you to set the reference frame or frames to be used for displaying satellite orbits, and launch vehicle and missile trajectories.

The following table describes the valid {Action} values:

{Action} Description
Add Add new orbit systems. The system must already exist in VGT or the command will nack.
Remove Removes orbit systems. No {Options} may be specified.
Modify Modifies existing, valid orbit systems.

The following table describes the valid {Options} values:

{Options} Description
System {"<SystemDef>" | "FixedByWindow" | "InertialByWindow"} Specify the system on which to perform the {Action}. See below for the valid format of "<SystemDef>". The "FixedByWindow" and "InertialByWindow" systems can not be removed.
Color {{Color} | Default} Specify the orbit system color. Default can be specified to set the orbit system's color to the vehicle's color.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

Show {On | Off} Show turns the orbit system on/off without removing it from the list of orbit systems.
PersistForAllPasses {On | Off} When all passes are displayed in the 3D Window, see VO Pass3D command, select On for this option to display the 3D line even when the animation time is outside the interval of the propagation for the vehicle.
WindowID {<WinNumber> | All} WindowID will set which window the orbit is viewed in. Multiple WindowID options may be input. Specify All to set the system to show in all windows.

This command will not add any systems to VGT (Vector Geometry Tool), it will only use them. If the system does not already exist in VGT, the command will nack. To create a new System see the VectorTool command.

Multiple systems may be specified for each command.

The format for "<SystemDef>" is

"<TruncObjectPath> <SystemName>"

where the <TruncObjectPath> is the truncated object path or central body path and <SystemName> is the name of the system. For example "CentralBody/Mars Inertial" or "Satellite/Satellite1 Body"


To turn off the default Inertial by Window orbit system for Satellite1:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 OrbitSystem Modify System "InertialByWindow" Show Off

To add a Mars Inertial orbit system for Satellite1 colored red:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 OrbitSystem Add System "CentralBody/Mars Inertial" Color red

To remove the Mars Inertial orbit system for Satellite1:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 OrbitSystem Remove System "CentralBody/Mars Inertial"

To add an orbit system for Satellite1 in the Satellite2 Body system:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 OrbitSystem Add System "Satellite/Satellite2 Body"

To change the color of the Satellite2 Body orbit system to blue:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 OrbitSystem Modify System "Satellite/Satellite2 Body" color blue

To display the orbit tracks for Missile1, even when animation time is outside the missile's interval:

VO */Missile/Missile1 OrbitSystem Modify System FixedByWindow PersistForAllPasses On


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1