Define how the central body will be treated when it obstructs the path of the viewer while zooming or rotating with the View Pilot Tool.
VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtMinAlt {On | Off} [MinimumAltitude <MinAlt>] [WindowID <WinNumber>]
The VO StopAtMinAlt command allows you to define how objects will be treated when they obstruct the path of the viewer in the 3D Graphics window while zooming or rotating. If On, the viewer does not dip below the minimum altitude set by the user (default is 0.0). If MinimumAltitude is 0.0 the viewer will stop at the surface of the central body in the 3D Graphics window. If Off, and you zoom or rotate to the point that you penetrate the surface of the central body, you pass through the central body and it vanishes behind you.
The information set by this command is used by the View Pilot Tool.
<MinAlt> is entered in Connect distance units; it must be greater than the minimum altitude for the central body (for Earth this is -12 km)
To turn on the stop at minimum altitude flag and set the altitude to -0.5 km:
VO * StopAtMinAlt On MinimumAltitude -500
To turn off the stop at minimum altitude flag for window 2:
VO * StopAtMinAlt Off WindowID 2
If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.
This command belongs to the following group(s):
STK Programming Interface 11.0.1