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IAgCrdnConfiguredSystemWithRate Interface


Crdn System object interface which computes its components and rates.

Public Methods

Public Method CurrentValueComputes the System position and velocity, quaternion, and angular rate in reference components (in internal units) at the interface's current time.
Public Method CurrentValue_ArrayComputes the System position and velocity, quaternion, and angular rate in reference components (in internal units) at the interface's current time, returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, q1, q2, q3, q4, wx, wy, wz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method EvaluateComputes the System position and velocity, quaternion, and angular rate in reference components (in internal units) at the given time
Public Method Evaluate_ArrayComputes the System position and velocity, quaternion, and angular rate in reference components (in internal units) at the given time returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, q1, q2, q3, q4, wx, wy, wz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TransformComponentsTransforms vector components given wrt System into those wrt RefSystem at the interface's current time.
Public Method TransformComponentsAtEpochTransforms vector components given wrt System into those wrt RefSystem at the given time.
Public Method TransformComponentsAtEpoch_ArrayTransforms vector components given wrt System into those wrt RefSystem at the given time, returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method TransformComponents_ArrayTransforms vector components given wrt System into those wrt RefSystem at the interface's current time, returned as an array representing x, y, z, vx, vy, vz. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property ErrorTextText explaining configuration errors, if any
Public Property IsConfiguredFlag indicating whether object is configured properly for use.

CoClasses that Implement IAgCrdnConfiguredSystemWithRate

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