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Project Overview


The Astrogator plugin interfaces.


AgGatorPluginAttCtrlPythonThe implementation of IAgGatorPluginAttCtrl for Python.
AgGatorPluginEngineModelPythonThe implementation of IAgGatorPluginEngineModel for Python.

The CoClass for the IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrl interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.


The CoClass for the IAgGatorPluginResultEvalEngineModel interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.


The CoClass for the IAgGatorPluginResultState interface. Certain languages (like Visual Basic) use the coclass rather than the interface. They are functionally equivalent.



A user impements this interface to create a COM component that acts as an attitude controller. The attitude controller plugin is used to orient the thrust magnitude (i.e., steer an engine).

The COM component can be created using compiled code (C++, C#, Visual Basic, etc.) or using a Windows Script Component created using a script language (VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, etc.). Each function of the interface must be implemented, though functions are not required to do anything other than return an error status (either true or false). Once created, the user must register the component in the Windows Registry. After creation and registration, the plugin can be used as an attitude control for maneuvers.

The plugin component will be called at certain event times defined by the interface (see the members of the interface). During these calls, the component may request input values and set output values that can affect the computation. Inputs and outputs are accessed through the interface component IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrl. The interface component is sent to the plugin component as the lone argument to the function calls.

IAgGatorPluginEngineModelA user implements this interface to create a COM component that acts as an Astrogator Engine Model. The engine model plugin is used to set the thrust magnitude and mass flow rate of an engine.

The COM component can be created using compiled code (C++, C#, Visual Basic, etc.) or using a Windows Script Component created using a script language (VBScript, JScript, PerlScript, etc.). Each function of the interface must be implemented, though functions are not required to do anything other than return an error status (either true or false). Once created, the user must register the component in the Windows Registry. After creation and registration, the plugin can be used as an engine model.

The plugin component will be called at certain event times defined by the interface (see the members of the interface). During these calls, the component may request input values and set output values that can affect the computation. Inputs and outputs are accessed through an interface component (either IAgGatorPluginResultState or IAgGatorPluginResultEvalEngineModel as defined by the interface function calls) . The interface component is sent to the plugin component as the lone argument to the function calls.

IAgGatorPluginResultAttCtrlThis component is passed as the lone argument for methods of the IAgGatorPluginAttCtrl plugin component. This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.
IAgGatorPluginResultEvalEngineModelThis component is passed as the lone argument for the Evaluate() method of the IAgGatorPluginEngineModel plugin component. This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs and set outputs.
IAgGatorPluginResultStateSeveral methods of Astrogator plugin components pass this component as the lone argument. This component contains functions that allow the plugin component to access inputs.


AgEEulerSequenceRotation sequence ordering used by Euler angles.
AgEPropagatorWrapperPluginErrorCodesEnumeration of AgPropagatorWrapperPlugin General Error Codes
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