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IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitive Interface


Renders a line to the 3D scene. Similar to the PolylinePrimitive; however, the PathPrimitive was designed for the efficient addition/removal of points to/from the front or back of the line.

Public Methods

Public Method AddBackAdd a PathPoint to the back of the line.
Public Method AddFrontAdd a PathPoint to the front of the line.
Public Method AddRangeToBackAdd the range of PathPoints to the back of the line.
Public Method AddRangeToFrontAdd the range of PathPoints to the front of the line.
Public Method BackAccess the PathPoint at the back of the line.
Public Method ClearRemoves all of the points.
Public Method FrontAccess the PathPoint at the front of the line.
Public Method RemoveAllAfterRemove all points after index.
Public Method RemoveAllBeforeRemove all points before index.
Public Method RemoveBackRemove a PathPoint to the back of the line.
Public Method RemoveFrontRemove a PathPoint to the front of the line.

Public Properties

Public Property CapacityReturns the capacity that was set during object construction. The capacity is the amount of memory reserved for storing the points on the path. This will be automatically updated when adding/removing points.
Public Property CentralBodyClippedGets or sets whether the polyline will be clipped by the central body.
Public Property CountReturns the number of points.
Public Property DisplayOutlineGets or sets whether an outline is rendered around the line.
Public Property ItemReturns the point at the given zero-based index.
Public Property MaximumWidthSupportedGets the maximum width, in pixels, supported by the video card.
Public Property MinimumWidthSupportedGets the minimum width, in pixels, supported by the video card.
Public Property OutlineWidthGets or sets the width, in pixels, of the outline around the line.
Public Property PerItemPickingEnabledGets or sets whether individual line indices will be included in the PickResults returned from the Scene's Pick method. Each line index that is picked will be returned as a BatchPrimitiveIndex.
Public Property PolylineTypeGets or sets how the primitive interprets the positions.
Public Property UpdatePolicyGets or sets how the primitive will be updated based on the current animation time.
Public Property WidthGets or sets the line width, in pixels.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitive

See Also

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