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AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere Property (IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)
See Also

Windows & Linux


Gets or sets if the primitive's Bounding Sphere is automatically computed.

Property type

Read-write property


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere() As Boolean
public bool AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere {get; set;}
[Managed C++]
public: __property bool get_AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere();
public: __property void set_AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere( bool );
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT get_AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere(
    VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal
public: HRESULT put_AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere(
    VARIANT_BOOL AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere
public bool getAutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere();
public void setAutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere(
[Python - STK API ]
def AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere(self) -> bool:

def AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere(self, AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere:bool) -> None:


A primitive's Bounding Sphere is used for visibility tests to improve rendering performance. When AutomaticallyComputeBoundingSphere is true, the sphere is automatically computed when a primitive's geometry or position is modified due to a Set or SetPartial call. Otherwise, it is the caller's responsibility to set the primitive's Bounding Sphere.

A user may set this property to false in cases when they can determine a Bounding Sphere that encompasses everywhere a dynamic primitive may move to. This can improve performance by eliminating the overhead associated with re-computing the bounding sphere and updating the primitive manager's spatial data structures.

See Also

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