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IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream Interface


A raster, the data of which, is updated dynamically at the specified Update Delta. The class can be used to stream video and other dynamic raster data to textures and other Raster clients. Note to Implementers: When implementing a derived class of RasterStream, you must provide an implementation for the Update method. The Attributes property of the Raster should be set in the constructor of the derived class.

Public Methods

Public Method UpdateWhen overridden in a derived class, updates the raster data associated with the raster stream at the specified time. When the Update method is called, the raster stream contains a raster data buffer defined by the current Attributes of the stream for updating the raster data. The time parameter provides the current and next Scene Manager time. Return true if the raster data was updated, otherwise return false.

Public Properties

Public Property UpdateDeltaGets or sets the update delta of the raster stream in seconds. The Update Delta defines the interval at which the Update method will be called. The default Update Delta is 0, which will call the Update method every time the Scene Manager time changes. When animating, this means the Update method would be called on every animation step.


Implemented Interface

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream


Load and display a raster stream
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager;
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase overlayManager = (IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays;

// Create the RasterStream from the plugin
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator activator =
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy proxy =

// Use reflection to set the plugin's properties
Type plugin = proxy.RealPluginObject.GetType();
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, imageFile, null);

IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream rasterStream = proxy.RasterStream;
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.01667;

// Creates the texture screen overlay to display the raster
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)rasterStream);
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay overlay =
    manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYWidthHeight(0, 0,
    texture.Template.Width, texture.Template.Height);
overlay.Texture = texture;
((IAgStkGraphicsOverlay)overlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenterLeft;

Load and display a raster stream
[Visual Basic .NET]
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim overlayManager As IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase = DirectCast(manager.ScreenOverlays.Overlays, IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase)

' Create the RasterStream from the plugin
Dim activator As IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator = manager.Initializers.ProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator.Initialize()
Dim proxy As IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy = activator.CreateFromDisplayName("ProjectionRasterStreamPlugin.VBNET")

' Use reflection to set the plugin's properties
Dim plugin As Type = proxy.RealPluginObject.[GetType]()
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, imageFile, Nothing)

Dim rasterStream As IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream = proxy.RasterStream
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.01667

' Creates the texture overlay
Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.FromRaster(DirectCast(rasterStream, IAgStkGraphicsRaster))
Dim overlay As IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay = manager.Initializers.TextureScreenOverlay.InitializeWithXYWidthHeight(0, 0, texture.Template.Width, texture.Template.Height)
overlay.Texture = texture
DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsOverlay).Origin = AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin.eStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOriginCenterLeft

overlayManager.Add(DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay))

See Also

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