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Update Method (IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream)
See Also
The current Scene Manager time.
The next Scene Manager time.

Windows & Linux


When overridden in a derived class, updates the raster data associated with the raster stream at the specified time. When the Update method is called, the raster stream contains a raster data buffer defined by the current Attributes of the stream for updating the raster data. The time parameter provides the current and next Scene Manager time. Return true if the raster data was updated, otherwise return false.


[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Function Update( _
    ByVal Time As IAgDate, _
    ByVal NextTime As IAgDate _
) As Boolean
public bool Update(
    IAgDate Time,
    IAgDate NextTime
[Managed C++]
public: bool Update(
    IAgDate ^ Time,
    IAgDate ^ NextTime
[Unmanaged C++]
public: HRESULT Update(
    IAgDate * Time,
    IAgDate * NextTime,
    VARIANT_BOOL * pRetVal
public bool update(
    IAgDate Time,
    IAgDate NextTime
[Python - STK API ]
def Update(self, Time:"IAgDate", NextTime:"IAgDate") -> bool:


The current Scene Manager time.
The next Scene Manager time.

See Also

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