
STK Engine provides a flexible Raster framework and raster processing through filters. The following raster image formats can be read by the raster class: BMP, ECW, IMG, JP2, NTF, NITF, PNG, SID, TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PPM, PGM, CLDS, and TGA. A raster can be loaded from a file, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP source, and can also be loaded from memory, or constructed from a .NET Bitmap. The RasterFilter base class allows a user to perform many image processing tasks. The RasterStream class allows implementers to stream new data to a Raster over time, allowing for streaming of video (provided with the VideoStream class) and the ability to stream dynamic raster data into textures, including those on COLLADA models.

Topic Description
Rasters and Filtering STK Engine provides a flexible Raster framework and raster processing through filters.
Raster and Projection Streams The RasterStream and ProjectionStream classes allow for implementers to stream new data to a Raster and Projection over time. Since they implement Raster and Projection respectively, they can be passed to any class that accepts those base types, but in contrast to the base types, their data can change over time.
Video Streams STK Engine provides a robust video reader based on RasterStream. The VideoStream class supports hundreds of codecs, and can access video from files, as well as HTTP, RTP, TCP, and UDP sources.
Video Streams on Models STK Engine's VideoStream class can be used by many classes within the library, including COLLADA models. This allows you to stream video to a model's textures. The models are self contained, so you can distribute the models and videos and they can be used in other STK Engine applications.

Learn more about the Graphics Plugin classes used for Raster and Projection streams in the STK Engine Plugins area. See the GraphicsHowTo for a complete set of RasterStream and ProjectionStream examples.