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AxesInterpolatorGetEvaluator Method (EvaluatorGroup)

Gets an evaluator that can be used to find the transformation from the ReferenceAxes to the orientation produced by the Interpolator at a given JulianDate. The orientation is represented by a Motion<UnitQuaternion, Cartesian>, including derivative information if available from Interpolator. Consider using the methods of GeometryTransformer instead of calling this method directly.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Geometry
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public override AxesEvaluator GetEvaluator(
	EvaluatorGroup group


Type: AGI.FoundationEvaluatorGroup
The group with which to associate the new evaluator. By grouping evaluators that are often evaluated at the same Julian dates, common computations can be performed only once for the entire group instead of multiple times for each evaluator.

Return Value

Type: AxesEvaluator
An evaluator for this Axes.
ArgumentNullException Thrown when group is .
PropertyInvalidException Thrown when Interpolator or ReferenceAxes is .
See Also