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AGI.Foundation.Geometry Namespace

Contains types for expressing the motion of fundamental geometric objects such as points, axes, and reference frames; the manner in which they are related; and transformations between representations.
Public classCode exampleAxes
A set of axes which may vary with time relative to another set of axes.
Public classAxesAlignedConstrained
A set of axes with the one axis aligned with the Principal direction vector and another axis constrained to minimize the angular separation from the Reference vector. These axes remain aligned and constrained as the Principal and Reference vectors change with time. By default, the principal axis is the x-axis and the reference axis is along the z-axis.
Public classAxesAlongTerrain
An Axes defined by the surface normal to the terrain surface. This is useful when modeling the orientation of a ground vehicle moving over terrain. The x-axis is in the direction of motion. The y-axis is parallel to the terrain surface. The z-axis is orthogonal to the terrain surface pointing down.
Public classAxesBPlane
The axes that a VectorBPlane are computed in. See the documentation for the VectorBPlane for more information of B-Planes.
Public classAxesEastNorthUp
The set of axes defined by the local East, North, and Up directions at a point with respect to the shape of a central body as the point moves over time.
Public classAxesEvaluator

Evaluates an Axes over time.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<UnitQuaternion, Cartesian> representation of the orientation and rotation of these axes at the specified JulianDate. The AxesEvaluator will attempt to provide rotational rate information up to the requested order.

The rotation reported by this evaluator represents the rotational transformation from the original axes to these axes. By calling Rotate(UnitQuaternion) with the reported UnitQuaternion, it will transform the given cartesian vector from the original axes to be expressed in these axes.

The rotational rates reported by an AxesEvaluator are the rotational rates of these axes with respect to and expressed in the base axes in which these axes are defined. e.g. The "FirstDerivative" (if available) of a platform body axes defined in the fixed frame will represent the angular velocity of the body in the fixed frame.

Public classAxesFixedAtJulianDate
A set of Axes which is defined by the instantaneous orientation of another set of axes at a specified JulianDate.
Public classAxesFixedOffset
An axes whose orientation does not change with respect to the axes in which it is defined.
Public classAxesFromArchive<TEntity>
An Axes whose orientation is defined by archived tracking data.
Public classAxesFromBankAngle

An Axes defining a first order representation for an aircraft in steady flight with the bank angles specified by changes in the horizontal acceleration vector. The bank angle is determined by assuming steady flight and calculating the angle necessary to provide the corresponding horizontal acceleration. The axes will examine the acceleration around the special times of interest and determine how much time is needed before and after that point in order to transition between the two bank angles based on the given roll rate. When no horizontal acceleration is present, this is the same as an axes aligned with the x-axis along the velocity and the z-axis constrained toward nadir.

Note that while this will attempt to use the TargetRollRate, if there is a sequence of banking maneuvers in quick succession, the TargetRollRate will not be feasible. In this case, the roll rate will exceed the target as necessary.

Public classAxesHelper
A collection of helper methods for working with Axes and related types.
Public classAxesInAxes
An axes which is effectively equivalent to another axes but is defined in a third axes. In other words, evaluating an instance of this type finds the transformation that takes a vector expressed in InAxes and expresses it in AxesToObserve.
Public classAxesInPointsAxes
An axes observed in the axes in which a point is defined.
Public classAxesInterpolator
A set of Axes that is defined with respect to a set of reference axes by an interpolator which can evaluate the Axes over time.
Public classAxesInVectorsAxes
An axes observed in the axes in which a vector is defined.
Public classAxesLinearRate
An axes whose orientation changes with respect to the axes in which it is defined by rotating at a linearly increasing or decreasing rate about a defined spin axis. An initial rotational offset and rotational velocity at a reference epoch, and a constant rotational acceleration are used to define the motion over time.
Public classAxesLocalVerticalLocalHorizontal
The Local Vertical, Local Horizontal (LVLH) axes which follow the motion of a given point over time.
Public classAxesNorthEastDown
The set of axes defined by the local North, East, and Down directions at a point with respect to the shape of a central body as the point moves over time.
Public classAxesPropagationParameter
Represents an Axes which in turns represents the attitude and angular velocity in an integration state. The attitude and angular velocity are in body-fixed coordinates. This is used to define various geometries that depend on the state during integration.
Public classAxesTargetingLink
An Axes which orients itself so that its Z-axis is aligned along a link, pointing from one platform to another, and its X-axis is constrained toward a reference vector. This is useful for pointing sensors and antennas toward their intended targets.
Public classAxesVehicleVelocityLocalHorizontal
The Vehicle Velocity, Local Horizontal (VVLH) axes which follow the motion of a given point over time.
Public classAxesVelocityOrbitNormal
These Axes will have its X axis be aligned with the velocity vector of the given point and the Y axis will be constrained to the orbit normal vector. The true displacement from the central body will be used to constrain the platforms axes as opposed to the apparent displacement.
Public classCartesianParameter
Represents a Cartesian and its derivatives as a parameter.
Public classCommunicationLinkScalar
Base class for scalars representing values associated with a CommunicationLink.
Public classCommunicationLinkSignalData<T>
An object that represents a particular piece of data obtained from a Signal propagating along a CommunicationLink.
Public classCommunicationObjectScalar
Base class for scalars representing values associated with a CommunicationObject.
Public classCompositeAxes
A Axes that is defined by a collection of intervals, where the data associated with each interval is a another Axes representing the orientation for that interval. When using this class for analysis, the resulting Axes must be continuous; otherwise any analysis results will be incorrect.
Public classCompositePoint
A Point that is defined by a collection of intervals, where the data associated with each interval is a another Point representing the location for that interval. When using this class for analysis, the resulting Point must be continuous; otherwise any analysis results will be incorrect.
Public classConstantCovariance3By3
Represents position covariance with standard deviations which remain constant in the given axes.
Public classConvexBoundaryEllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder
An EllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder builder that takes unorganized input points and forms a convex hull that wraps them into a region. This hull is created by projecting the input points onto a plane centered at the centroid of the input points and connecting boundary nodes via geodesics.
Public classCovariance3By3DynamicMatrix
Public classCovariance3By3Evaluator

Evaluates the position covariance of an object over time.

This evaluator will attempt to provide derivatives of the covariance up to the requested order. If there is a discrepancy between the available order of the standard deviation and orientation of the covariance, then results of the higher order will be returned, and Undefined will be used as the unknown results of the lower order data.

Public classDelegateOnStateValueDefinition<T>
This type allows you to compute a value from a ITimeBasedState with a callback.
Public classDoubleParameter
Represents a double and its derivatives as a parameter.
Public classDynamicCovariance3By3
Holds the time-varying positional variance and covariance information for an object.
Public classDynamicDelaunayElements
Represents a time varying function of DelaunayElements.
Public classDynamicEquinoctialElements
Represents a time varying function of EquinoctialElements.
Public classDynamicKozaiIzsakMeanElements
Represents a time varying function of KozaiIzsakMeanElements.
Public classDynamicMatrix
Represents a time varying function producing a Matrix and its derivatives.
Public classDynamicMatrixEvaluator

Evaluates a DynamicMatrix over time.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<Matrix> representation of this matrix at the specified JulianDate. This evaluator will attempt to provide derivatives of the matrix up to the requested order.

Public classDynamicMatrixPropagationParameter
Represents a DynamicMatrix which in turn represents a particular parameter in the state during integration.
Public classDynamicModifiedKeplerianElements
Represents a time varying function of ModifiedKeplerianElements.
Public classEllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder
Creates an EllipsoidSurfaceRegion or EllipsoidSurfaceRegionHole based upon the set properties.
Public classEntityAxes<TEntity>
An Axes that obtains its value from a tracking entity implementing IEntityOrientation. This axes can only be used in an evaluator that is parameterized on EntityParameter and TransactionParameter.
Public classEntityPoint<TEntity>
A Point that obtains its value from a tracking entity implementing IEntityPosition. This point can only be used in an evaluator that is parameterized on EntityParameter and TransactionParameter.
Public classGeometryDynamicState
A set of geometry items (Points, Axes, Scalars, Vectors), and DynamicMatrix that can be evaluated together at once and the results of which are stored in an IAdjustableState.
Public classGeometryTransformer
Provides evaluators that can transform between axes, observe a point in any frame, etc. These evaluators evaluate the requested geometry as it varies with time.
Public classGeometryTransformer.Advanced
Contains methods to obtain evaluators for less common situations.
Public classInternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameEvaluator

Evaluates a InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer over time.

The result of evaluating will be a HelmertTransformation for the specified JulianDate. This HelmertTransformation can transform motion data from the From of a InternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer to its To.

Public classInternationalTerrestrialReferenceFrameTransformer
A reference frame transformation between two different realizations of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), which are called International Terrestrial Reference Frames (ITRFs).
Public classJplDECenterOfMassPoint
The center of mass of a central body from a JPL DE file available for times between InitialEpoch and FinalEpoch.
Public classLinkDelayEvaluator
An evaluator for computing the delay along a link.
Public classLinkSubdivision
An object which defines how to subdivide an ILinkService into sub-segments.
Public classNormalizedVectorEvaluator

Evaluates a VectorEvaluator and normalizes each value.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<UnitCartesian, Cartesian> representation of the given vector evaluator at the specified JulianDate.

Public classParameterizedOnEvaluatorPoint
A point that is defined by a PointEvaluatorParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedOnStatePoint
A point that is defined by a TimeBasedStateParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedOnStateScalar
A scalar that is defined by a TimeBasedStateParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedOnStateVector
A vector that is defined by a TimeBasedStateParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedPoint
A point that is defined by a CartesianParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedScalar
A scalar that is defined by a DoubleParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classParameterizedVector
A vector that is defined by a CartesianParameter at the time of evaluation.
Public classCode examplePoint
A point which may vary with time, defined relative to a given reference frame.
Public classPointAtAltitude
A Point whose motion is derived from the motion of a reference point projected onto a surface of a supplied Altitude, with respect to the ellipsoidal shape of a CentralBody.
Public classPointCartographic
A point representing a fixed planetodetic location on a central body specified using Cartographic coordinates. Though the point is fixed on the central body, it will move with the central body over time when observed in an inertial frame.
Public classPointCentralBodyProjection
A Point representing the projection of a ray on to the surface of a CentralBody.
Public classPointDifferentiator
A Point that can provide higher-order derivatives by finite-differencing another point.
Public classPointEvaluator

Evaluates a Point over time.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<Cartesian> representation of this point at the specified JulianDate. This evaluator will attempt to provide derivatives of the position up to the requested order.

Public classPointEvaluatorParameter
Represents a PointEvaluator as a parameter.
Public classPointFixedAtJulianDate
A Point which is defined by the instantaneous location of another point at a specified JulianDate.
Public classPointFixedOffset
A Point whose position does not change with respect to the reference frame in which it is defined.
Public classPointFromArchive<TEntity>
A Point whose position is defined by archived tracking data.
Public classPointHelper
A collection of helper methods for working with Point and related types.
Public classPointInPointsFrame
A point observed in another point's reference frame.
Public classPointInReferenceFrame
A time varying point observed in a particular reference frame. Instances of this class will report that they are defined in the specified reference frame and will Evaluate(TIndependent, Int32) to the position, velocity, etc. of the point relative to the specified reference frame.
Public classPointInRegionNearestToReferencePoint
A Point that is within an EllipsoidSurfaceRegion that is closest to a reference point which may be found in, on, or outside of the region.
Public classPointInterpolator
A point with its position, velocity, etc. determined by an interpolator based on a time dependent data set.
Public classPointPropagationParameter
Represents a Point which in turns represents the position and velocity in an integration state. This is used to define various geometries that depend on the state during integration.
Public classPointVectorToPoint
A Point formed by displacing another Point with a Vector. The vector is added to the point. Both the vector and the point may vary with time.
Public classReferenceFrame
A reference frame, defined by an origin and an axes.
Public classReferenceFrameEvaluator

Evaluates a ReferenceFrame over time.

The result of evaluating will be a KinematicTransformation for the specified JulianDate. This KinematicTransformation can transform motion data into this ReferenceFrame from the frame in which this frame is defined.

Public classCode exampleScalar
A scalar, representing a real valued, time varying function.
Public classScalarAbsoluteValue
A Scalar representing the absolute value of another scalar.
Public classScalarAngleBetweenVectors
A scalar representing the instantaneous angle between two vectors which may vary over time.
Public classScalarAngleInRange
A Scalar that maps an angle produced by another scalar to a desired range. The desired range is specified as an open range and must span 2π. For more information on the internal workings of the range adjustment see PutAngleInRange(Double, Double, Double).
Public classScalarAngleSmallSpan
A Scalar that represents the small span between two scalars that represent angles. The first scalar is used as the start angle of the span, and the second scalar is used as the stop. See GetSmallSpan(Double, Double) for more information.
Public classScalarAntennaGainInLinkDirection
A scalar which represents the antenna gain for the intended signal in the direction of the specified communication link.
Public classScalarBitErrorRate<TModulation>
A scalar which represents the bit error rate (BER) from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCarrierToInterference
A scalar which represents the carrier to interference ratio C/I from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCarrierToNoise
A scalar which represents the carrier to noise ratio C/N from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCarrierToNoiseDensity
A scalar which represents the carrier to noise density ratio C/No from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCarrierToNoiseDensityPlusInterference
A scalar which represents the carrier to noise density plus interference ratio C/(N0+I0) from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCarrierToNoisePlusInterference
A scalar which represents the carrier to noise plus interference ratio C/(N+I) from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarCartographicElement
A Scalar that computes an element of a Cartographic. This Scalar can currently compute up to order 2 (acceleration).
Public classScalarCosine
A Scalar representing the cosine of another scalar.
Public classScalarDelaunayElement
A Scalar that computes a given element from a DynamicDelaunayElements.
Public classScalarDelayedByLink
A scalar which wraps another scalar while delaying it by a time specified by a LinkDelayEvaluator obtained from a LinkPath. When evaluating this scalar at a given time, the resulting value will represent the value of the wrapped scalar at the delayed time. The time delay is either positive or negative, depending on the LinkRole of this scalar.
Public classScalarDeltaSphericalElement
A Scalar that computes the difference in the clock or cone angle, or the difference of the the radius between two Points relative to a common parent. Note that if Element is set to Cone, there will be a discontinuity if one of the elements moves through the 0/360 degree angle. This can be thought of as computing the difference in declination or right ascension between the two points.
Public classScalarDependentOnServiceProvider
A scalar, representing a real valued, time varying function which depends on one or more services from an IServiceProvider in order to get an evaluator. The specific required service or services will be documented by the class which requires an instance of this class.
Public classScalarDerivative
A Scalar representing the derivative of the specified Order of a given Scalar.
Public classScalarDihedralAngle
A scalar representing the angle between two vectors measured about a given axis. The resulting angle lies between 0 and TwoPi. Both the axis and the two vectors may vary over time.
Public classScalarDopplerConeAngle
A simple geometric scalar that returns an angle in the range 0, π/2. The doppler cone angle is defined as the angle between the displacement vector and the velocity vector of an object at one end of the link. The output angle does not consider the relative orientation of the two vectors.
Public classScalarDotProduct
A Scalar defined by the dot product of two vectors which may vary over time.
Public classScalarDynamicPressure
A Scalar defining the dynamic pressure at a given location.
Public classScalarEffectiveIsotropicRadiatedPower
A scalar which represents the "effective isotropic radiated power" or "equivalent isotropic radiated power" (EIRP) for the link specified by the CommunicationLink. The EIRP is computed using the IntendedSignalStrategy based on the signals from the ITransmittedSignalService provided by the link. It represents the power of the signal after applying antenna gains in the direction of transmission and does not include any propagation effects along the link.
Public classScalarEnergyPerBitToNoiseDensity<TModulation>
A scalar which represents the energy per bit to noise density ratio Eb/No from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarEquinoctialElement
A Scalar that computes a given element from a DynamicEquinoctialElements.
Public classScalarEquivalentAirspeed
A Scalar defining the equivalent airspeed at a given location. The equivalent airspeed is the airspeed at sea level at which the dynamic pressure, typically with respect to a standard atmosphere, is the same as the dynamic pressure at the true airspeed and altitude of the object.
Public classScalarEvaluator

Evaluates a Scalar over time.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<double> representation of this scalar at the specified JulianDate. This evaluator will attempt to provide derivatives of the scalar up to the requested order.

Public classScalarExponent
A Scalar representing another scalar raised to the power of a scalar exponent, along with up to the second derivative.
Public classScalarFixed
A fixed scalar, representing a constant real valued function.
Public classScalarFixedAtJulianDate
A Scalar which is defined by the instantaneous value of another scalar at a specified JulianDate.
Public classScalarGpsCommunicationsReceiverChannelNoise
Generates GPS receiver noise based on the communications signals it is tracking. Calculates noise for single or dual frequency receivers.
Public classScalarGrazingAltitudeBetweenTwoPoints
Calculates the altitude of the point on the line of sight vector between two objects nearest the ellipsoid that defines the input CentralBody. If the line of sight passes through the CentralBody, the altitude returned will be negative and represents the maximum depth required to reach the surface.
Public classScalarInterpolator
A Scalar with its value, derivative, etc. determined by an interpolator based on a time dependent data set.
Public classScalarInverseTangent
A scalar representing the instantaneous angle as the inverse tangent of two scalar values. The values returned by the evaluator conform to the implementation of Atan2(Double, Double).
Public classScalarJammingToSignal
A scalar which represents the interference to carrier ratio I/C (also known as the jamming to signal ratio J/S) from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarKozaiIzsakMeanElement
A Scalar that computes a given element from a DynamicKozaiIzsakMeanElements.
Public classScalarMachNumber
A Scalar defining the Mach number at a given location.
Public classScalarMaximumValue
A Scalar that returns the larger of the two scalars based upon their comparison at the specified order.
Public classScalarMinimumValue
A Scalar that returns the smaller of the two scalars based upon their comparison at the specified order.
Public classScalarModifiedKeplerianElement
A Scalar that computes a given element from a DynamicModifiedKeplerianElements.
Public classScalarNoisePlusInterference
A scalar which represents the noise plus interference ratio N+I from a receiver, as computed from the SignalProcessor identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarPointElement
A Scalar that returns one element of a Points evaluated motion.
Public classScalarPolarizationEfficiency
A scalar which represents the computed polarization efficiency which is defined as the ratio of the received power, after accounting for polarization mismatch, to the total power in the signal before accounting for the polarization mismatch. The signal received after polarization efficiency is applied is identified by the ISignalReceivedByAntennaService. The signal received before polarization efficiency is applied as identified by the ISignalReceivedByAntennaPrepolarizerService. Both services must be available on the CommunicationObject
Public classScalarPowerAtReceiverOutput
A scalar which represents the power of the intended signal at the receiver output as identified by the ISignalOutputService and which must be available on the CommunicationObject.
Public classScalarProduct
A Scalar defined by the multiplication of a list of scalars which may vary over time.
Public classScalarPropagationLoss
A scalar which represents the loss in power on a signal propagating along the link specified by the CommunicationLink. The loss is computed using the IntendedSignalStrategy based on a comparison of the IPropagatedSignalService and the ITransmittedSignalService provided by the link. The value of this scalar will be negative, representing a negative gain (loss).
Public classScalarReceivedIsotropicPower
A scalar which represents the "received isotropic power" (RIP) for the link specified by the CommunicationLink. The RIP is computed using the IntendedSignalStrategy based on the signals from the IPropagatedSignalService provided by the link.
Public classScalarReceivedPowerFluxDensity
A scalar which represents the received power flux density for the link specified by the CommunicationLink. The power flux density is computed using the IntendedSignalStrategy based on the signals from the IPropagatedSignalService provided by the link.
Public classScalarRouteHeading
A scalar that defines the heading of the platform along a route. The heading is measured from geometric north, positive toward east. The value produced is in radians.
Public classScalarRouteHeight

A scalar representation of the height dynamics of the route with respect to the given terrain reference surface.

This represents the "flat" height without taking into account the effects of the curvature of the non-euclidean Ellipsoid surface of the central body. The effect of the curvature tends to be small for values near the surface, creating discrepancies of less than a millimeter per second in the velocity. If the route is defined with respect to ragged terrain, the effect of that terrain with respect to the underlying surface is much more significant than the curvature of the underlying surface. While the value of the height will generally be exact, the derivative of this scalar will differ slightly from the value of the instantaneous fixed-frame velocity along the surface normal.

Public classScalarRouteSurfaceSpeed

A scalar representing the speed along the ellipsoid surface upon which the route is defined.

For aircraft, this is essentially equivalent to the "ground speed". However, if the 'ground' has a non-zero height with respect to the Ellipsoid surface (i.e. if there is terrain data included in the analysis), the speed produced by this Scalar represents the speed along the Ellipsoid and not the speed along the terrain.

For ground vehicles (and ships), this represents the speed tangent to the Ellipsoid and does not take into account the terrain normal when computing the speed.

Note that it may be counter intuitive that the Value reported by this scalar represents the "speed" while the FirstDerivative represents the acceleration (derivative of speed).

Public classScalarRouteTotalSpeed

A scalar representing the total speed with respect to the ellipsoid surface upon which the route is defined. This includes both the horizontal and vertical components of velocity.

This represents the "flat" total speed without taking into account the effects of the curvature of the non-euclidean Ellipsoid surface of the central body. The effect of the curvature tends to be small for values near the surface, creating discrepancies of less than a millimeter per second in the velocity. If the route is defined with respect to ragged terrain, the effect of that terrain with respect to the underlying surface is much more significant than the curvature of the underlying surface. The derivative of this scalar will differ slightly from the value of the instantaneous fixed-frame velocity.

Note that it may be counter intuitive that the Value reported by this scalar represents the "speed" while the FirstDerivative represents the acceleration (derivative of speed).

Public classScalarSine
A Scalar representing the sine of another scalar.
Public classScalarSphericalElement
A Scalar representing one of the three values of a Spherical coordinate.
Public classScalarSquintAngle
A Scalar that computes the angle that subtends the velocity vector of the ViewingObject and the displacement vector between the ViewingObject and the TargetObject projected onto the x-y plane in the viewing object's AxesVehicleVelocityLocalHorizontal. The calculated angle lies between [0, π].
Public classScalarSum
A Scalar defined by the addition of a list of scalars which may vary over time.
Public classScalarVectorElement
A Scalar that returns one element of a Vectors evaluated motion.
Public classServiceProviderAxes
An Axes that can be used to refer to the current OrientationAxes of an IServiceProvider, whatever it is at the time that this axes is evaluated. All method and properties on this class simply pass the call to the service provider's current OrientationAxes.
Public classServiceProviderPoint
A Point that can be used to refer to the current LocationPoint of an IServiceProvider, whatever it is at the time that this point is evaluated. All method and properties on this class simply pass the call to the service provider's current LocationPoint.
Public classSpecifiedCurveEllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder
An EllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder that builds a region based upon an input BoundaryCurve.
Public classSpecifiedExtentEllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder
An EllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder that builds a surface region based upon an input CartographicExtent.
Public classSpecifiedNodesEllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder
An EllipsoidSurfaceRegionBuilder that builds a region based upon input boundary nodes (vertices) and a node connection type.
Public classSpecifiedResolutionLinkSubdivision
A LinkSubdivision which subdivides an ILinkService into sub-segments at a specified resolution in meters.
Public classTimeBasedStateParameter
Represents an ITimeBasedState as a parameter.
Public classTimeFromStateValueDefinition
Represents a JulianDate extracted from a ITimeBasedState that is set at evaluation time.
Public classTwoDimensionalConvexHull
Generates a two dimensional convex hull from a given set of un-organized input points.
Public classCode exampleVector
A vector relative to a set of basis axes. The vector may change over time with respect to its axes.
Public classVectorAcceleration
A Vector representing the acceleration of a given Point derived in a given ReferenceFrame. Be careful when observing this vector in different Axes as GeometryTransformer and KinematicTransformation assume that the zeroth order of a vector corresponds to a heading or other similar value, not the second derivative of another instance. The resulting values will not properly account for the dynamics of the relative rotation of the two axes. To obtain the second derivative represented in a different axes, create a new instance defined in a different axes.
Public classVectorAngularAcceleration
A Vector defined as the angular acceleration of a given set of axes as the axes rotate with time.
Public classVectorAngularVelocity
A Vector defined as the angular velocity of a given set of axes as the axes rotate with time.
Public classVectorApparentDisplacement
A vector representing the apparent directed displacement from an initial point to a final point as the points move over time. The apparent displacement accounts for light travel time given the SignalDirection and optionally can account for aberration caused by the motion of the observer's frame.
Public classVectorBPlane
A vector computing the B-Plane vector of a Point relative to a CentralBody.
Public classVectorCrossProduct
A Vector defined by the cross product of two vectors which may vary with time.
Public classVectorDependentOnServiceProvider
A time-varying vector which depends on one or more services from an IServiceProvider in order to get an evaluator. The specific required service or services will be documented by the class which requires an instance of this class.
Public classVectorDerivative
A Vector representing the derivative of the specified Order of a given Vector derived in a given Axes. Be careful when observing this vector in different Axes as GeometryTransformer and KinematicTransformation assume that the zeroth order of a vector corresponds to a heading or other similar value, not the rate of another instance. The resulting values will not properly account for the dynamics of the relative rotation of the two axes. To obtain the derivative represented in a different axes, create a new instance defined in a different axes.
Public classVectorDifferentiator
A Vector that can provide higher-order derivatives by finite-differencing another vector.
Public classVectorDisplacement
The base class for a vector representing the directed displacement from an initial point to a final point as the two points move over time.
Public classVectorEllipsoidSurfaceNormal
A vector representing the surface normal at a point projected onto an ellipsoid surface as the point moves through time.
Public classVectorEvaluator

Evaluates a Vector over time.

The result of evaluating will be a Motion<Cartesian> representation of this vector at the specified JulianDate. This evaluator will attempt to provide derivatives of the vector up to the requested order.

Public classVectorFixed
A Vector whose components do not change with respect to the axes in which it is defined.
Public classVectorFixedAtJulianDate
A Vector which is defined by the instantaneous value of another vector at a specified JulianDate.
Public classVectorInAxes
A vector that is observed in a given axes.
Public classVectorInPointsAxes
A vector observed in the axes in which a point is defined.
Public classVectorInterpolator
A vector with its value, derivative, etc. determined by an interpolator based on a time dependent data set.
Public classVectorInVectorsAxes
A vector observed in the axes in which another vector is defined.
Public classVectorInverted
A vector which inverts another vector.
Public classVectorMagnitude
A scalar representing the magnitude of a vector as the vector changes over time.
Public classVectorNormalized
A vector representing a normalized version of another vector.
Public classVectorPropagationParameter
Represents a Vector which in turn represents the value and derivatives of a coordinate vector in an integration state. This is used to define various geometries that depend on the state during integration.
Public classVectorScaled
A vector which represents another vector scaled by a given factor which can change over time.
Public classVectorSum
Represents the addition of a number of independent Vectors, summed together and observed in a common Axes.
Public classVectorTrueDisplacement
A vector representing the true directed displacement from an initial point to a final point as both points move over time.
Public classVectorVelocity
A Vector representing the velocity of a given Point derived in a given ReferenceFrame. Be careful when observing this vector in different frames as the values will not account for the dynamics of the position at the origin of the velocity or the relative translation of the two frames. To obtain the velocity represented in a different frame, create a new instance defined in a different frame.
Public interfaceIGetEllipsoidSurfaceRegion
An interface that gets an EllipsoidSurfaceRegion.
Public interfaceIGetEllipsoidSurfaceRegionHole
An interface that gets an EllipsoidSurfaceRegionHole.
Public interfaceIKinematicStateService
A service that provides a ReferenceFrame describing a complete kinematic state (position and orientation) of an object as it moves over time.
Public interfaceILinkSubdivisionService
A service which provides an evaluator for subdividing an ILinkService into sub-segments.
Public interfaceILocationPointCovarianceService
A service that provides the size and orientation of the covariance ellipsoid over time.
Public interfaceILocationPointService
A service that provides the position of an object over time.
Public interfaceIOrientationAxesService
A service that provides the orientation (rotation) of an object over time.
Public interfaceISetOrientationAxesService
A service that sets the orientation (rotation) of an object over time.
Public interfaceIVectorService
A service which returns a vector.
Public enumerationDisplacementVectorParticipant
Identifies a participant in a VectorDisplacement.
Public enumerationEllipsoidSurfaceRegionCurveConnectionType
Specifies one of two surface curve connection types.