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ILinkService Methods

The ILinkService type exposes the following members.

Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
(Inherited from ICloneWithContext.)
Public methodGetOffsetToReceptionTimeEvaluator
Gets an evaluator that, given a time at which something is transmitted by the Transmitter, evaluates the time at which it will be received by the Receiver. The time is expressed as an offset from the input time.
Public methodGetOffsetToTransmissionTimeEvaluator
Gets an evaluator that, given a time at which something is received at the Receiver, evaluates the time at which it was transmitted by the Transmitter. The time is expressed as an offset from the input time.
Public methodGetReceiverDisplacementRelativeToTransmitter
Gets a displacement vector that represents the displacement to the Receiver as observed by the Transmitter.
Public methodGetTransmitterDisplacementRelativeToReceiver
Gets a displacement vector that represents the displacement to the Transmitter as observed by the Receiver.
See Also