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AGI.Foundation.Communications.SignalPropagation Namespace

Contains types for propagating electromagnetic signals along communication links.
Public classAtmosphereModelItuRP835
ITU-R P.835 standard atmosphere model.
Public classAtmosphericAttenuationModelItuRP676Version10
ITU-R P.676 version 10 Attenuation by atmospheric gases. This model is recommended for frequencies up to 1000 GHz.
Public classAtmosphericAttenuationModelItuRP676Version9
ITU-R P.676 version 9 Attenuation by atmospheric gases. This model is recommended for frequencies up to 1000 GHz.
Public classBeerLambertLawAtmosphericAttenuationModel
An atmospheric absorption model based on the Beer-Lambert Law.
Public classCloudFogAttenuationModelItuRP840Version6

ITU-R P.840 version 6 cloud and fog attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies up to 1000 GHz.

The atmospheric conditions can be configured in two different ways. When using CloudCeiling and CloudLayerThickness, the link is divided into sub-segments based on how the link intersects the resulting single cloud layer, with attenuation only occurring within that layer, where CloudTemperature and CloudLiquidWaterDensity define the conditions inside the cloud layer. This geometric arrangement is simple to configure, but is best suited to geometries where the link is primarily vertical.

Alternatively, configure CustomLinkSubdivision, which determines how the link should be subdivided, and CustomAtmosphericModel, which determines the atmospheric conditions at the midpoint of each sub-segment. Sub-segments can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The atmospheric values are assumed constant over each sub-segment. This configuration is more complex, but can represent geometries where the link is primarily horizontal and the signal might pass through multiple distinct weather cells.

Public classCraneRainAttenuationModel
Crane rain attenuation propagation model implementation. This model is recommended for frequencies from 1 GHz to 100 GHz.
Public classDopplerShiftModel
A model of the doppler shift for a signal along the propagation path. SignalDopplerShiftData will be added as data to the Signal as it is propagated.
Public classFreeSpacePathLossModel
A model of the path loss of a signal propagating in free space.
Public classHufnagelValleyRefractiveIndexStructureParameterModel
Represents the Hufnagel-Valley (H-V) model for the refractive index structure parameter.
Public classIonosphericAttenuationModelItuRP531Version13

ITU-R P.531 version 13 ionospheric attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies of 0.1 GHz to 12 GHz.

Public classItuRP676AtmosphericModel
Provides atmospheric data for the ITU-R P.676 atmospheric attenuation model.
Public classItuRP676AtmosphericValuesEvaluator
An evaluator that computes atmospheric values required by the ITU-R P.676 atmospheric attenuation model for a given time and location.
Public classItuRP838AtmosphericModel
Provides atmospheric data for the ITU-R P.838 rain attenuation model.
Public classItuRP840AtmosphericModel
Provides atmospheric data for the ITU-R P.840 cloud and fog attenuation model.
Public classItuRP840AtmosphericValuesEvaluator
An evaluator that computes atmospheric values required by the ITU-R P.840 cloud and fog attenuation model for a given time and location.
Public classRainAttenuationModelItuRP618Version10
ITU-R P.618 version 10 rain attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies up to 55 GHz.
Public classRainAttenuationModelItuRP618Version12
ITU-R P.618 version 12 rain attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies up to 55 GHz.
Public classRainAttenuationModelItuRP838Version3

ITU-R P.838 version 3 rain attenuation model. This model uses the ITU-R P.838 rain attenuation model to compute the specific attenuation (dB/km) for the propagated signal due to rain, then determines the total attenuation by multiplying by the path length of the link.

The atmospheric conditions can be configured in two different ways. When using RainHeight and RainRate, the link is divided into two sub-segments: the portion below the rain height, where the given rain rate applies, and the portion above the rain height, where no rain exists. This geometric arrangement is simple to configure, but is best suited to geometries where the link is primarily vertical.

Alternatively, configure CustomLinkSubdivision, which determines how the link should be subdivided, and CustomAtmosphericModel, which determines the rain rate at the midpoint of each sub-segment. Sub-segments can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The rain rate is assumed constant over each sub-segment. This configuration is more complex, but can represent geometries where the link is primarily horizontal and the signal might pass through multiple distinct weather cells.

Public classRefractiveIndexStructureParameterModel
Base class for a modeling the refractive index structure parameter Cn2.
Public classSignalPropagationModel
Base class for a signal propagation model which takes a set of signals and modifies them based on propagation effects.
Public classSignalPropagationModelChain
Represents a chain of signal propagation models by references to the start and stop models in the chain.
Public classSignalPropagator
An abstract base class which defines an object which propagates a set of signals.
Public classSimpleSatcomAtmosphericAttenuationModel
Simple SATCOM atmospheric attenuation propagation model implementation. This model is recommended for frequencies from 1 GHz to 350 GHz.
Public classTiremPropagationData
Contains the values returned from the TIREM propagation. Subclasses may contain additional data produced by the specific implementation of TIREM being used.
Public classTiremPropagationModel

TIREM calculates the propagation loss between antennas on or up to 30 km above the surface of the Earth for frequencies from 1 to 40000 MHz.

TiremPropagationData will be added as data to the Signal as it is propagated.

Public classTiremPropagationModel.PropagationData
Contains the values returned from the TIREM propagation for this version of TIREM.
Public classTiremPropagationModel3_18

TIREM calculates the propagation loss between antennas on or up to 30 km above the surface of the Earth for frequencies from 1 to 40000 MHz.

TiremPropagationData will be added as data to the Signal as it is propagated.

Public classTiremPropagationModel3_18.PropagationData
Contains the values returned from the TIREM propagation for this version of TIREM.
Public classTropoScintAttenuationModelItuRP1814
ITU-R P.1814 scintillation attenuation model. Models the attenuation due to scintillation effects for a plane wave and weak turbulence.
Public classTropoScintAttenuationModelItuRP618Version12
ITU-R P.618 version 12 tropospheric scintillation attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies from 4 GHz to 20 GHz.
Public classTropoScintAttenuationModelItuRP618Version9
ITU-R P.618 version 9 tropospheric scintillation attenuation model. This model is recommended for frequencies from 4 GHz to 20 GHz.
Public structureItuRP676AtmosphericValues
Contains the atmospheric values required by the ITU-R P.676 atmospheric attenuation model.
Public structureItuRP835ComputedValues
Contains the values computed by the ITU-R P.835 atmosphere model.
Public structureItuRP840AtmosphericValues
Contains the atmospheric values required by the ITU-R P.840 cloud and fog attenuation model.
Public interfaceIFreeSpacePathLossModel
A SignalPropagationModel which can compute free-space path loss. This interface is used by WirelessLinkExtension to detect the case where multiple models will compute free-space path loss, which would produce incorrect results.
Public enumerationItuRP835Version
ITU-R P.835 version
Public enumerationTiremPropagationMode
The different modes of propagation TIREM reports.