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TiremPropagationModel Properties

The TiremPropagationModel type exposes the following members.

Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyMaximumAltitude
Gets the model's maximum altitude. The maximum altitude for the TIREM propagation model is 30 km.
Public propertySurfaceConductivity
Gets or sets the conductivity of the earth's surface. The valid range of surface conductivity is 0.00001 to 100.0 Siemens per meter (S/m). This value defaults to 0.005. This scalar will be provided with a service provider providing ILinkService.
Public propertySurfaceHumidity
Gets or sets the humidity of the earth's surface in grams per cubic meter at the transmitter. The valid range of surface humidity is 0.0 to 13.25 grams/m^3. This value defaults to 4.0. This scalar will be provided with a service provider providing ILinkService.
Public propertySurfaceRefractivity
Gets or sets the refractivity of the earth's surface. The valid range of surface refractivity is 200.0 to 450.0 N-units. This value defaults to 310.0. This scalar will be provided with a service provider providing ILinkService.
Public propertySurfaceRelativePermittivity
Gets or sets the relative permittivity of the earth's surface. The valid range of relative permittivity is 1.0 to 100.0. This value defaults to 15.0. This scalar will be provided with a service provider providing ILinkService.
Public propertyTerrainProfileComputation
Gets or sets the terrain profile computation. By default, this delegate is , and the terrain profile will be computed automatically. In unusual situations, this delegate can be provided to have full control over the terrain profile information which will be provided to the TIREM calculation.
Public propertyTerrainProvider
Gets or sets the terrain provider used in computing loss with the TIREM model.
Public propertyTerrainSamplingStep
Gets or sets the terrain sampling step, in radians. The sampling step must be greater than zero. By default, this value is , and the sampling step will be half of the MinimumSampleSpacing of the configured TerrainProvider. Setting this value will override the sampling step, which will affect the number of samples taken.
Public propertyUseAtmosphericAbsorptionModel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether TIREM Atmospheric Absorption loss is included in the results. This value defaults to true.
Public propertyUseFreeSpaceLossModel
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the TIREM Free Space loss is included in the results. This value defaults to true.
Public propertyUseHorizontalPolarization
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use horizontal polarization instead of the default vertical polarization setting.
See Also