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BrentFindExtremum Properties

The BrentFindExtremum type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConvergenceCriteria
Gets the criteria used in determining convergence.
Public propertyError
Gets the error at this estimate in the quadratic approximation relative to the real function. This is the value checked against the FunctionTolerance to determine convergence.
Public propertyExtremum
Gets the current estimate of the extremum.
Public propertyExtremumKind
Gets whether this extremum is a minimum or maximum.
Public propertyFunction
Gets the evaluation function.
Public propertyFunctionTolerance
Gets the convergence tolerance on the value of the function.
Public propertyHasConverged
Gets a value indicating whether the algorithm is in the converged state.
Public propertyIterations
Gets the number of iterations taken.
Public propertyValue
Gets the function value at the current estimate of the extremum.
Public propertyVariableTolerance
Gets the convergence tolerance on the value of the variable.
See Also