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IGpsCommunicationsReceiverConfiguration Interface

An interface defining the required parameters for a GpsCommunicationsFrontEnd.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced (in AGI.Foundation.Navigation.Advanced.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public interface IGpsCommunicationsReceiverConfiguration

The IGpsCommunicationsReceiverConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAntennaEfficiency
Gets or sets the efficiency of the front end's antenna, as a ratio between zero and one.
Public propertyAntennaNoiseTemperature
Gets or sets the effective noise temperature resulting from effects outside the antenna; galactic noise, Earth's albedo, etc., in kelvin.
Public propertyCorrelatorSpacing
Gets or sets the spacing between the early and late correlator peaks, in chips. Typically 0.125-1.0 chips.
Public propertyDelayLockLoopFilterBandwidth
Gets or sets the bandwidth of the DLL tracking loop, in hertz. Typically 1-18 Hz.
Public propertyFrontEndBandwidth
Gets or sets the bandwidth of the front end used to track all signals, in hertz.
Public propertyIsDualFrequency
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this receiver uses signals from two frequencies.
Public propertyLnaGain
Gets or sets the gain of the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). Linear units.
Public propertyNoiseFactor
Gets or sets the noise factor value this receiver uses to calculate noise in the communication signals. Note that this is set by the values supplied for the Low Noise Amplifier gains, reference temperature and antenna temperature.
Public propertyPolarization
Gets or sets the antenna polarization.
Public propertyPostLnaGain
Gets or sets the gain of the cabling after the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). Linear units.
Public propertyPreLnaGain
Gets or sets the gain of the cabling and filtering prior to reaching the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). Linear units.
Public propertyReceiverAntennaGainPattern
Gets or sets the front end's antenna gain pattern.
Public propertyReceiverOperatingTemperature
Gets or sets the ambient temperature where the front end is operating, in kelvin.
See Also