Click or drag to resize

ForwardAnimation Properties

The ForwardAnimation type exposes the following members.

Protected propertyAnimatingForward
Gets or sets a value indicating whether animation is in the forward direction. If false, animation is going backwards.
Public propertyIsAnimating
Gets whether or not animation is playing.
(Overrides MinimalForwardAnimation.IsAnimating.)
Public propertyIsPaused
Gets whether animation is paused.
Public propertyIsReset
Gets whether animation has been reset.
Public propertyIsStopped
Gets whether animation is stopped.
Public propertyMessageLoopType
Gets or sets the type of message loop, Windows Forms or Windows Presentation Foundation, employed by the application. By default, this is set to MessageLoopType.AutoDetect.
Protected propertyNextTime
Gets the next animation time.
Public propertyRefreshRate
Gets or sets the rate (fastest or fixed) at which the scene is refreshed during rendering.
(Overrides MinimalForwardAnimation.RefreshRate.)
Protected propertyState
Gets or sets the current animation state.
Public propertyTargetedFramesPerSecond
Gets or sets the targeted frames per second if RefreshRate is set to use TargetedFramesPerSecond.
(Overrides MinimalForwardAnimation.TargetedFramesPerSecond.)
Public propertyTime
Gets or sets the current animation time.
See Also