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KozaiIzsakMeanElements Class

A set of Kozai-Izsak mean elements representing an elliptical orbit.

For more information see the paper, "The Motion of a Close Earth Satellite", Y.Kozai, 1959.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Coordinates
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public sealed class KozaiIzsakMeanElements : ICloneWithContext

The KozaiIzsakMeanElements type exposes the following members.

Public methodKozaiIzsakMeanElements(KeplerianElements, Boolean, Double, Double)
Initialize a set of Kozai-Izsak mean elements from a set of osculating or mean KeplerianElements.
Public methodKozaiIzsakMeanElements(ModifiedKeplerianElements, Boolean, Double, Double)
Initialize a set of Kozai-Izsak mean elements from a set of osculating or mean ModifiedKeplerianElements.
Public methodKozaiIzsakMeanElements(Motion<Cartesian>, Double, Double, Double)
Initializes a set of Kozai-Izsak mean elements from the specified Cartesian motion. Please note that there must be a correspondence between the inertial and fixed frames used for the input motion. Specifically, the XY plane of the input motion should correspond to the equatorial plane.
Public methodKozaiIzsakMeanElements(Cartesian, Cartesian, Double, Double, Double)
Initialize a set of Kozai-Izsak mean elements from a Cartesian position and velocity. Please note that there must be a correspondence between the inertial and fixed frames used for the input position and velocity. Specifically, the XY plane of the input motion should correspond to the equatorial plane.
Public methodKozaiIzsakMeanElements(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)
Initialize a set of Kozai-Izsak mean orbital elements. Inputs are assumed to be mean elements.
Public propertyArgumentOfLatitude
Gets the argument of latitude of the orbit (radians).
Public propertyGravitationalParameter
Gets the gravitational parameter used for this element set (distance cubed per time squared).
Public propertyInclination
Gets the inclination of the orbit, in radians.
Public propertyJ2ZonalHarmonicCoefficient
Gets the unnormalized J2 zonal harmonic coefficient used for this element set.
Public propertyOrbitType
Gets the type of orbit represented by these elements.
Public propertyRadialVelocity
Gets the rate of change of the magnitude of the position vector (distance/time).
Public propertyRadius
Gets the magnitude of the position vector (distance).
Public propertyReferenceDistance
Gets the reference distance (equatorial radius) associated with the J2 zonal harmonic coefficient.
Public propertyRightAscensionOfAscendingNode
Gets the right ascension of the ascending node of the orbit, in radians.
Public propertySemilatusRectum
Gets the semi-latus rectum of the orbit (distance).
Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
Public methodComputeEccentricAnomaly
Computes the mean eccentric anomaly.
Public methodComputeEccentricity
Computes the mean eccentricity of the orbit.
Public methodComputeMeanAnomaly
Computes the mean mean anomaly.
Public methodComputeOsculatingRadiusOfApoapsis
Computes the osculating radius of apoapsis.
Public methodComputeOsculatingRadiusOfPeriapsis
Computes the osculating radius of periapsis.
Public methodComputeSemimajorAxis
Computes the mean semi-major axis length of the orbit.
Public methodComputeTrueAnomaly
Computes the mean true anomaly.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToCartesian
Returns an osculating Cartesian representation of these mean orbital elements.
Public methodToMeanKeplerianElements
Returns a mean Keplerian orbit element representation of these mean orbital elements.
Public methodToMeanModifiedKeplerianElements
Returns a mean modified orbit element representation of these mean orbital elements.
Public methodToOsculatingKeplerianElements
Returns an osculating Keplerian orbit element representation of these mean orbital elements.
Public methodToOsculatingModifiedKeplerianElements
Returns an osculating modified orbit element representation of these mean orbital elements.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
This class is meant to represent classical circular and elliptical orbits.
See Also