What's New

Behavior Execution Engine 2024 R2

New features and improvements:

  • The SysML Client now has a model view that allows you to see and interact with state machines from an MDZIP SysML project. This includes simple debugging support during model execution. Specifically, this includes the ability to distinguish between different instances during execution even if they share the same behavior diagram. For STK users, this helps distinguish which objects are participating in which state diagrams.
  • The SysML Client's settings panel now provides a button to deploy the STK UI Plugin automatically. While this is a part of installing BEE, the plugin may not have been installed if STK was not available prior to installing BEE. This provides you the ability to ensure that the plugin is deployed correctly.
  • Prior to starting a Behavior Execution Engine connection, the SysML Client UI now contains some simple diagnostic tools to help diagnose common reasons why the Behavior Execution Engine cannot run correctly.

Breaking Changes

  • Simulations now require the Moxie-Base::Configuration::MoxieSimulation stereotype applied to designate an instance as something Behavior Execution Engine can simulate. This means that any previous instances of Moxie-Base::Simulation::SimulationSpecification that do not have that stereotype applied will no longer show up as available simulations. To fix this, simply apply the MoxieSimulation stereotype to the existing SimulationSpecification instances. See more information in the corrected technical issues below.
  • The BEE application data folder has been moved from %UserProfile%\AppData\Ansys\BEE to %LocalAppData%\Ansys\BEE. For users who have made changes to your application settings, you may have to reapply your settings.

Corrected technical issues:

  • The previous version required use of the Cameo Simulation Toolkit "Sim Config" to identify what simulations are available in a SysML project. That dependency on the Cameo Simulation Toolkit stereotype was an oversight and has been removed. Now, simulations are identified based on elements that have the "Moxie-Base::Configuration::MoxieSimulation" stereotype applied, and users no longer need Cameo Simulation Toolkit as a dependency for their SysML projects.
  • In previous versions, the "Simulation Specification" element type was used in template projects to allow users to specify which root elements to include in a simulation. However, this required specifying those root elements as specializations of "Moxie-Base::Structure::Thing". Those simulations will still work, but now any element with the "Moxie-Base::Configuration::MoxieSimulation" stereotype will now indicate a valid simulation, regardless of what types that instance specializes. This will help cases where users are extending model library types that do not extend the base "Thing" type from the Moxie-Base library.
  • Added instructions to the Installation Guide that helps provide the Behavior Execution Engine modelDependencies folder as an alternate search path for SysML project dependencies.
  • Clarified the behavior of the MoxieDelegateModulePaths stereotype as part of the Delegate Module Tutorials. The tutorials have been updated appropriately. For more information, see the Troubleshooting Guide for details on what to do when encountering issues loading delegates.

Known issues:

  • If there is a different version of ModelCenter or STK installed on the system, this may cause licensing errors due to a change in how the Ansys Client Licensing works. Using the current version of Behavior Execution Engine with older versions of ModelCenter prior to 2024R2 or STK prior to 12.9 will not work. If you encounter issues with differing versions, please contact us so we can support you.

Behavior Execution Engine 2024 R1


  • The installation of Behavior Execution Engine now includes a "SysML Client" user interface that provides a convenient way to interact with your SysML modeling project and also run simulations using the Delegate Modules that connect to your analysis and simulation tools. This comes in two form factors:
    1. For Systems Tool Kit (STK) users, there is now a UI Plugin that provides the SysML Client inside the STK environment. See the setup guide for more details on configuring that plugin, which is installed automatically if you already have STK installed when installing Behavior Execution Engine.
    2. For other users, or users who prefer interacting with SysML outside the STK application, you will find the SysML Client Application in: %BEE_Install%/application/SysML_Client/SysML_Client_Application.exe
    For more information about using the SysML Client to run simulations, see Running Simulations. The new SysML Client also reintroduces new and improved Diagnostic Tools and Code Generation capabilities that were removed in 2023R2.1.

Behavior Execution Engine 2023 R2.1


  • We have removed the MagicDraw and Cameo plugins as part of Behavior Execution Engine to pursue a more product independent and interoperable execution capability. For a statement on this major change, see the Overview remarks.
  • The AnalysisWorkbench features in the STK Delegates have been deprecated in favor of recommending direct use of the STK Object Model for writing delegates against STK. The com.agi.moxie.stk.utilities package, specifically, contains several methods and classes relating to STK Analysis Workbench features that have been annotated with @deprecated tags and may be removed in a future version.

Corrected technical issues:

  • Fixed an issue that caused a simulation to fail without a useful error message due to a bad enum value. In cases where a value properties typed by a SysML enumeration had no value specified, attempts to dereference that value were throwing an unexpected null reference exception. Instead, it will now handle cases where not having a value will result in equality returning false or else produce a recognizable error pointing to the cause of the runtime problem in the expressions.

Previous versions