Series: Range/Bins
Return to Plot Options Menu | Series tab
Subtab menu: Mode | Range/Bins | Style | Error Bars | Color Bar | Color Bar Ticks
Use the Range/Bins tab set the range and bin options for histogram and contour plots.
Some controls only appear for certain plots or with certain options selected.
Control Name | Use/Options |
Normalization | Sets the normalization scale.
X bins | Selects how the X bins are determined.
Max # X bins | Sets the maximum number of X bins. The number will be used in an algorithm that decides the optimal bin size.
X range | Manually sets the range for the X bins.
X bin size | Manually sets the size for the X bins.
Y bins | Selects how the Y bins are determined.
...Max # | Sets the maximum number of Y bins. The number will be used in an algorithm that decides the optimal bin size.
Y range | Manually sets the range for the Y bins.
Y bin size | Manually sets the size for the Y bins.
Contours | Sets how the contours are determined.
...Max # | Sets the maximum number of contour steps.
...Range | Manually sets the range for the contours.
...Size | Manually sets the step size between each contour level.
Z range |
Bin Function | Selects the function used to fill in the bin.
See Also Data Explorer