Position Ranking Definition

Position Ranking is a calculated numerical value that indicates the temporal favoritism of on timeslot over another. STK Scheduler will calculate a position ranking value for each timeslot of the task when the Create Possibilities button on the Resources Required Tab of the Task Definition Form is clicked.

Position Ranking is used by STK Scheduler to calculate the desirability value for the timeslot. When the deconflictor engine is run, STK Scheduler feeds the desirability value into the Figure of Merit (FOM) calculation to produce a schedule with favored characteristics. The position ranking value is a function of the timeslot's temporal position within the scheduling period, and the user-defined Scheduling Preference selection made on the General Tab of the Task Definition Form (Early, Middle, Late, No Preference).

How Position Ranking is Calculated

STK Scheduler calculates Position Ranking each time the Create Possibilities button on the Resources Required Tab of the Task Definition Form is pushed.

Position Ranking is calculated by determining the absolute value of the difference between the timeslot start time and either the start of the scheduling period, the middle of the scheduling period, or the end of the scheduling period (as defined by the Task Scheduling Preference located on the General Tab). These values are then normalized between 1 and 0 to produce the position ranking.

If the Task Scheduling Preference is set to No Preference, then the position ranking for each timeslot is set to 0.