Resources Required Tab

The Resources Required Tab allows you to define all of the resource that are required by a task.

To display the Resources Required Tab, select Task -> New or Task -> Edit from the Menu Bar, click on the Resource Tab, and then click on the Resources Required Tab.

Resources Required Tab

Resource Constraints Textbox

The resource constraints textbox is where all of the resources required of a task may be defined. You may specify the required resources by either typing directly in the textbox; by using the Include, AND, OR, and () buttons; or done by double-clicking on an object in the Defined Resource Listbox. A completed required resource constraint formula will consist of a series of resources separated by ANDs or ORs. Parentheses should be used where appropriate. These is no practical limit to the size of the constraint list or to the amount of parenthesis nesting used.

Include Button

Clicking the include button places the resource(s) that is highlighted (selected) in the Defined Resources Listbox into the Resource Constraint textbox at the cursor location.

Double-clicking a resource in the Resources Listbox performs the same action as the Include button.

AND Button

Clicking the AND button places an "AND" into the Resource Constraints textbox at the cursor location. An "AND" is used to connect two objects that are required by the task.

OR Button

Clicking the OR button places an "OR" into the Resource Constraints textbox at the cursor location. An "OR" us used to connect two interchangeable objects, either of which is required by the task. STK Scheduler will schedule only one of them.

() Button

Clicking the () button places a set of parentheses into the Resource Constraints textbox at the cursor location. Parentheses are used to join a series of objects connected by either an "AND" or and "OR" with another object or series of objects.

Clear String Button

Clicking the Clear String button permanently clears the contents of the Resource Constraints textbox.

Create Possibilities Button

Clicking the Create Possibilities button executes a routine that validates the contents of the Resource Constraints Textbox (See Validating Required Resource String) for more information). If the validation is successful, a routine will create the task's possibilities. If the validation is not successful, error messages will inform you as to the nature of the problem.

The Create Possibilities button must be clicked to successfully create a task. Creating Possibilities will remove any existing assignments for the task. Possibility-specific settings under the Timeslots and Resource Usage tabs will be retained when possible.

Retain Settings Checkbox

If checked, previous values in the resource usage definition will be retained if compatibility exists when creating possibilities. An example of values not being retained due to incompatibility is if a resource definition changed from Capacity Applicable to Capacity Not-Applicable. If unchecked, previous values in the resource usage definitions will be discarded in favor of default values upon creation.

Retain Assignments Checkbox

If checked, the task's assignments will be retained so long as the assignment's possibility still exists. Note that the assignments may cause violations if the timeslot is changed. If unchecked, all assignments will be discarded.

Adjust Assignments To New Timeslots Checkbox

If checked, when assignments are retained their start and stop times will be adjusted in order to fit in the modified timeslots. Note that violations may still occur from the new placements of the assignments.

Include Default STK Access Reports Checkbox

The include default STK access reports checkbox allows you to select whether or not the default STK access reports will be created when you click the Create Possibilities Button. Access reports define windows of time when a pair of STK objects have an unobstructed view of each other or when a single chain object has "complete chain access", subject to the constraints of the STK objects specified in the associated STK scenario. STK Scheduler uses the times from the access reports to help define the task's timeslots. AS a default, STK Scheduler will request access reports for each chain object resource and each non-chain STK object resource pair within each of the task's possibilities, with one exception. STK Scheduler will not request an access report between any two ground-laden resources. For example: access reports will not be requested for two ground stations, or a ground station and a ground vehicle. The STK ground-laden resources are: targets, facilities, ground vehicles, ships, and targets.

STK Accesses and other STK reports used to define timeslot times may be individually specified on the Timeslot's Definition Tab of the Task Definition form. The checkbox is provided on this tab for the user's convenience so that calculation times may be reduced when accesses between all of the required resources with associated STK objects will not be used to define timeslot times.

If difficulties are encountered while ingesting a STK report, click here for more information.

Defined Resources Listview

The defined resources listview contains a list of all of the defined resources, resource template list, or resource tags that may be included as the task's resource constraints. All resources that are associated with an STK object will have an icon to the left of the resource name showing the type of STK object it represents. Single-clicking on an object will select it so that it may be used with the Include or the Add To Group buttons. Double-clicking on the object will cause it to be placed in the Resource Constraints textbox at the cursor location. Selecting multiple resources and then clicking ADD will include all the selected resource ANDed together in the Resource Constraints Formula textbox at the current cursor position. Selecting a resource tag will open the Resource Tag Constraint Editor (the format for manually defining resource tags can be found here).

Resource Tags Listview

The resource tags listview contains a list of all of the available resource tags. The tags are created from the General Tab of the Resource Definition Form. Double-clicking on a tag in the listview causes all of the resources contained in the tag to appear in the Grouping Builder Listview. From there either a Constraint Group or a Template List can be made.

Add Button

Clicking the Add button places the resource(s) selected in the Available Resources Listbox or the resources within the selected Resource Group within the Resource Group Listbox into the Group/List Listbox.

Remove Button

Clicking the Remove button removes the resource(s) selected in the Group/List Listbox.

Delete Group/List

Clicking the Delete Group/List button will cause a resource constraint group or a template variable list that is highlighted in the Defined Resources Listview to be deleted. If the highlighted resource constrain or template variable list is included as a constrain in any other task this action will not be allowed. This button is enabled only when a resource constrain group or a template variable list is highlighted in the Defined Resources Listview.

Group/List Builder Frame

Create Group/List Button

Clicking the Create Group/List button opens a form that allows you to name and create a constraint group or template variable list made up of the resources in the Group/List listbox.

Template List Checkbox

The template list checkbox allows you to create a template list made up of the resources contained in the Group/List/ listbox. Including a template list in the Resource Constraints textbox defines the current task as a Template Task Parent Definition (See Task Types). When the template list checkbox is checked, clicking on the Create Group/List button will create a resource template list. When the checkbox is not checked, clicking the Create Group/List button will create a resource constraining group.

All Resources in Group Option Button

The all resources in group option button allows you to define a constraint group where all of the not included members are required when the group is included in the Resource Constraints textbox.

_Resource(s) from Group Option Button

The _resource(s) from group option button allows you to define a constrain group where any of a user-defined number of the included members are required when the group is included in the Resource Constraints Textbox.

_Resource(s) from Group Textbox

The _resource(s) from group textbox allows you to define the number of included members of a group that are required when the group is included in the Resource Constraints textbox. STK Scheduler will only accept positive integer numbers. Alternatively, the and buttons may be used to select a number of resources.

Group/List Builder Listview

The group/list builder listview contains all of the resources that will be included in either a resource constraint group or in a template variable list when the Create Group/List button is clicked. Resources may be placed in the listview by selecting one or more resources or resource groups from the Defined Resources Listview or the Resource Group Listview, respectively and clicking the Add to Group button.