Setting Resource Attributes
The Resource Definition Form contains all of the controls necessary to define a resource.
To display the resource definition form, select Resource -> Resource Editor from the Menu Bar.
Resource Definition Form
The Resource Definition Form is divided into six tabs:
Search String
Typing the first few letters of a Resource name will scroll the Resource list to the first Resource that starts with those letters.
Resource List
The Resource List contains a list of all the stored Resources in the schedule. Selecting a Resource will load it's attributes for editing. The new attributes will only be saved when the Update button is clicked.
Resource Name Textbox
The resource name is a user-defined identifier for the resource. STK Scheduler will use the resource's name as its identifier in all necessary user interfaces. Each resource in a scenario must have a unique name. For the resource name, use only letters A through z, numbers 0 through 9, parentheses (), brackets[], underscores _, dashes -, and spaces.
Resource Description Textbox (Optional)
The resource description is a space where you can include additional text to aid in the description of a resource. STK Scheduler does not require this textbox to be completed to function.
Create New Resource Button
Clicking Add creates a new Resource in memory. The resource will not be saved until the Update button is clicked.
Delete Button
Clicking the Delete button deletes a Resource permanently. A Resource cannot be deleted if it is being used by a task.
Cancel Button
Clicking Cancel rejects any changes made to a resource and closes the Resource Definition Form.
Update Button
Clicking Update accepts any changes to the resource being edited or saves a new resource.
If Auto Validation is On, as specified on the STK Scheduler Configuration Form, a Schedule Validation will be performed, and the schedule status will be updated accordingly.