Description | Example | Return Message | Group

Graphics (Comm)

Set the graphics properties of a receiver, transmitter or antenna


Graphics <CommObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters>


The Graphics command for the Communications module allows you to control the display of the receiver, transmitter or antenna in the 2D Graphics window. Valid values for {GfxType} are Contours, Pattern or Boresight. Refer to the individual help page for each {GfxType} for available options:

Graphics Show
Graphics Contours (Comm & Radar)
Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar)
Graphics Boresight (Comm)

Warning: Receiver and transmitter graphics can be displayed only if the transmitter or receiver is defined as a Complex or Multibeam model, and the transmitter or receiver is not linked to an antenna object. Because the Simple and Medium antenna models are isotropic, there is no data to contour. As a result, if you try to apply the command to a transmitter or receiver that is defined as anything other than Complex, the command will fail.



If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


2D Object Graphics



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1