Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Specify SEET vehicle galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) parameters.


SEET <VehiclePath> GCR {GCROptions}

Related Commands


This command is valid for Satellite, Missile & Launch Vehicle.

The following table describes the galactic cosmic radiation options available for a vehicle.

{GCROptions} Description
Model {ModelName} Specify the GCR model to use for flux and fluence calculations.

Valid values for {ModelName} are: BO10, CREME86, ISO15390.

AtomicNum <Value> Specify the particle atomic number as an integer between 1 and 92.
Solar {Min | Max} Specify the relative amount of solar influence. Specifying Min or Max will override other BO10 or CREME86 model parameters.
IWI <Value> Enter the Interplanetary Weather Index as an integer between 1 and 4.

Note: This option is valid for CREME86 only.

SampleTime <Value> Enter the sampling time used for reporting flux and fluence, and for the time period to average over for the ISO model.

The value is entered in years between 0.001 and 10.


To set GCR parameters for Satellite1:

SEET */Satellite/Satellite1 GCR Model BO10 AtomicNum 2 Solar Max SampleTime 3


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1