Description | Example | Return Message | Group

SetState TLE (Satellites)

Set the orbit state of a satellite using a two-line element set.


SetState <SatObjectPath> TLE "<TLECard1>" "<TLECard2>" [{Options}]

Related Commands


The SetState TLE command sets the orbit state of the specified satellite, using the input two-line element set, and propagates the orbit. When specifying the TLE Cards, use the entire card, including spaces, and enclose each card in double quotes.

Note: Each TLE Card must be 69 characters long. Do not leave out any spaces.

The following {Options} can be included on the command line:

{Options} Description
TimePeriod {TimeInterval} The span of the ephemeris. If not entered, then the time period is obtained from the TLE card.

For valid {TimeInterval} values see Time Options.

TimeStep <StepSize> The interval between calculated ephemeris output points. Entered in seconds
Routine <PropName> This option allows for the selection of a different implementation of the SGP4 routine for propagating ephemeris for this satellite. For more information on changing SGP4 routines see the SetSGP4Prop command.
NoProp If included on the command line the satellite's state will be set but it will not be propagated.


Set Satellite1 to use the specified two-line element set:

SetState */Satellite/Satellite1 TLE "1 10637U 78012A   04113.40484266  .00000000  00000-0  10000-3 0  9453" "2 10637  40.1939 40.6913  1575431 119.1582 257.4005 1.00053877  48625"

Set Satellite2 to use the specified two-line element set, and propagate over the input time period:

SetState */Satellite/Satellite2 TLE "1 10637U 78012A   04113.40484266  .00000000  00000-0  10000-3 0  9453" "2 10637  40.1939  40.6913 1575431 119.1582 257.4005  1.00053877 48625" TimePeriod "1 Jun 2004 12:00:00.00" "1 Jun 2004 18:00:00.00"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):




STK Programming Interface 11.0.1