Description | Example | Return Message | Group


Control soft video tape recording features for a 3D window


SoftVTR3D <ScenarioPath> {SoftVTROptions}


The SoftVTR3D command allows you to set the options for and control the recording of the view in a 3D window.

{SoftVTROptions} Description
Record {On | Off} On indicates frames will be captured once every animation time step during animation.

Off indicates no frames are recorded and saved during animation.

OutputDir "<DirectoryPath>" The directory in which images of individual frames are saved.
Prefix <String> A string that will prefix each image's file name.
StartFromNumber <Number> The first number in the file sequence. The frame number increases incrementally for each subsequent frame saved. This number follows the prefix in the file name.
FileFormat {BMP | RAS | TIF | AVI | WMV | JPEG} The format in which the files are to be saved. AVI uses only the prefix and not the numbers, since it creates only one file.

Note: If file format is AVI, Connect does NOT compress the resulting file. See the UseAVICodecDialog option below.

MinDigits <NumDigits> The minimum number of digits to be used when naming a file. For instance, if the <NumDigits> is 2, file names are saved with the prefix plus a number from 01 to 99. When 99 is reached, STK begins overwriting files from 01 again.
PreloadTextures {On | Off} Use On to preload globe textures to ensure that the correct resolution textures are loaded for each animation frame. Preloading textures improves visual quality.

Use Off if globe textures are not preloaded. The correct resolution texture may not fully load until you stop moving the cursor, but you will be able to move more smoothly around the 3D graphics window.

SnapWindow Saves a picture of the current 3D Graphics window using the file naming options set here.

Note: If the SnapWindow option is included in the command with other recording options, recording options will be set before the window is snapped.

AntiAlias {Off | 2 | 3 | 4} Indicates how color values are calculated. Blending region size options are:
  • Off. Turns off Anti-aliasing.
  • 2. (2x2) Color is derived by dividing a single pixel into 4 squares, determining the color of the center of each square, and then averaging the color values over the pixel.
  • 3. (3x3) Color is derived by dividing a single pixel into 9 squares, determining the color of the center of each square, and then averaging the color values over the pixel.
  • 4. (4x4) Color is derived by dividing a single pixel into 16 squares, determining the color of the center of each square, and then averaging the color values over the pixel.
MotionBlur {On | Off} Use On to have objects in motion appear to blur as they move through time.

Note: Anti-aliasing has to be turned on in order for motion blur to have any effect. Turn on anti-aliasing by setting the value to 2, 3, or 4.

MotionBlurLength <Value> The length of the blur between the last frame and the next frame. <Value> is a floating point value greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.0. 1.0 is the highest blur possible.
WindowID <WinNumber> Enter the number of the 3D window to which the changes will be applied.
UseAVICodecDialog {On | Off} If On then the Video Compression dialog will pop-up for AVI recording.

Note: This option will be ignored unless the FileFormat is AVI.

The following options are available if the FileFormat is WMV (Windows Media Video).

Option Description
WmvCodec "<CodecValue>" Specify a valid Codec name. For supported Codec names, use the VO_R SoftVTR3D command.
FrameRate <Rate> Enter the value in frames per second. <Rate> is an integer greater than 0.
BitRate <Rate> Enter the value in kilobits per second. <Rate> is an integer greater than 0.

Note: To use FileFormat WMV, you may be required to install Windows Media Player.


To enable Anti-aliasing with the 2x2 calculation and to enable MotionBlur with a MotionBlurLength of 1:

SoftVtr3d * AntiAlias 2 MotionBlur On MotionBlurLength 1.0

To turn recording on:

SoftVTR3D * Record On

To record animation frames to a single AVI file and save it to the location specified:

SoftVTR3D * Record On FileFormat AVI OutputDir "c:\MyTemp"

To capture the active 3D Graphics window and save it to the location specified with the prefix specified:

SoftVTR3D * SnapWindow OutputDir "c:\MyTemp" Prefix TestC

To turn off recording:

SoftVTR3D * Record Off


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1