Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO CreateMarker

Create a textured marker from multiple images or create a marker from multiple fonts.


VO <ObjectPath> CreateMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName "<KeyName>" [{MarkerOptions}] {TypeSpecificOptions}

Related Commands


The VO CreateMarker command allows you to create a textured marker from multiple images or create a marker using different fonts. Markers are used to represent facilities, targets, and vehicles in the 3D window.

Required Options Description
MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} Specify the type of marker being created.
KeyName "<KeyName>" A unique case-insensitive name that defines the group of files or fonts specified with this command. Quotes are required around the <KeyName> only if the name includes spaces.

The following options are valid for any MarkerType. None, any or all of these options can be included.

{MarkerOptions} Description
HighlightColor {Color} The color of the highlight. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.
Smoothing {On | Off} If on, enables anti-aliasing. Enable smoothing for the best visual appearance.

The following {TypeSpecificOptions} are valid if {MarkerType} is MultiImage.

{MultiImageOptions} Description
File "<File>" Indicates the name of an image file. Repeat this File "<File>" option to specify multiple files. The order in which the files are entered on the command line indicates the order in which they are merged to create the texture.

The following {TypeSpecificOptions} are valid if {MarkerType} is MultiFont:

(FontName <InstalledFontName> [FontSize <value>] SymbolIndex <IndexValue> HorizOrigin {Left | Center | Right} VertOrigin {Top | Center | Bottom})...

A MultiFont marker is a marker composed of font symbols. The marker is broken into a 3x3 grid and each symbol can be drawn in one of the squares. Each symbol can come from a different font. No two symbols can occupy the same square.

Repeat the sequence of options within the parenthesis to specify multiple fonts. These options are described in the table below.

{MultiFontOptions} Description
FontName <InstalledFontName> Specify the name of an installed font.

To install a font, go to Start->ControlPanel->Fonts. Then File->Install New Fonts, and select the font file.

FontSize <value> If the FontSize is not specified, the smallest size is loaded. This may make some true type fonts appear blocky. Specify a larger FontSize to sharpen the font. If the particular font size is not available, Windows selects the next closest one. If the desired font does not show up, you may have selected an unsupported font size.
SymbolIndex <IndexValue> SymbolIndex is the index of a symbol (character) in the font. To determine font symbols, use the Window's Character Map.
HorizOrigin {Left | Center | Right} Specify the horizontal origin for this font. This option, along with the VertOrigin option, describes the position of the symbol in the 3x3 grid.
VertOrigin {Top | Center | Bottom} Specify the vertical origin for this font. This option, along with the HorizOrigin option, describes the position of the symbol in the 3x3 grid.


The following command creates a textured marker using two images.

VO * CreateMarker MarkerType MultiImage Keyname Friendly File "F:\Images\frames.png" File "F:\Images\friendly.png"

The following command creates a multifont marker using one symbol of the "00chart-31" font:

VO * CreateMarker MarkerType MultiFont KeyName mto_test Smoothing On FontName "00chart-31" SymbolIndex 226 HorizOrigin CENTER VertOrigin CENTER

The following command creates a multifont marker using three symbols from the "Courier" font, with the symbols appearing across the top of the 3x3 square:

VO * CreateMarker MarkerType MultiFont KeyName abc FontName "Courier" SymbolIndex 65 HorizOrigin LEFT VertOrigin TOP FontName "Courier" SymbolIndex 66 HorizOrigin CENTER VertOrigin TOP FontName "Courier" SymbolIndex 67 HorizOrigin RIGHT VertOrigin TOP


Connect returns an acknowledgment message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1