Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO ModelPointing

Point parts of a model representing a facility, place, target or vehicle toward another object


VO <ObjectPath> ModelPointing "<AttachPoint>" {ModelPointOption} <Value>

Related Commands


The VO ModelPointing command allows you to point parts of a model representing a vehicle, facility, place or target toward another object, such as the Sun or Earth by indicating the attach point and target.

"<AttachPoint>" are determined by the attach points specified in the object's model file.

Note: Not all models have AttachPoints. You must be using a model with AttachPoints to use the VO ModelPointing command successfully.

Note: When used in conjunction with BatchGraphics, this command cannot be used in the same batch as the VO Model command or the model pointing may not be accepted.

{ModelPointOption} <Value> Description
Target {TargetOption} Use {TargetOption} to indicate the target object to which a facility, place, target or vehicle model will point. Valid values for {TargetOption} are described below.
Intervals {IntervalOption} Use {IntervalOption} to define intervals during which an object model will point towards a selected target. Valid values for {IntervalOption} are described below.
None N/A Pointing is disabled for the AttachPoint.

Note: The "<AttachPoint>" must already be set as targeted for the object, unless the {IntervalOption} is Add or Load in which case the attach point will be added if it doesn't yet exist.

{IntervalOption} can be:

{IntervalOption} <Parameters> Description
Clear {TargetOption} Remove the first display interval for the target specified using the {TargetOption}.
ClearAll [{TargetOption}] Remove all display intervals for the target specified using the {TargetOption}. If no {TargetOption} is specified, all intervals for all target options are removed.
Add <NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} ["<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption}...] Adds intervals with Targets to the list of times. The number of "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" {TargetOption} value sets entered must equal the <NumIntervalPairs> specified.
Replace "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" Replace a single interval matching the first start, stop, target with the second start and stop time. The target stays the same.
ReplaceAll <NumIntervalPairs> "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} ["<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption}...] Clear ALL interval lists and replace them with those specified here. The number of "<IntervalStart>" "<IntervalStop>" {TargetOption} value sets entered must equal the <NumIntervalPairs> specified.
Load {{TargetOption} | FromFile} "<>" Replaces or create the interval list for the {TargetOption} specified by loading a file that specifies interval pairs.

Enter FromFile instead of {TargetOption} to have the target(s) read from the interval file.

The file must be in the STK interval list file format and end with a .int extension.

Import {TargetOption} "<TimeComponent>" Import the specified Interval or Interval List time component.

For information about "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

{TargetOption} can be:

{TargetOption} Description
Sun Point an object at the Sun.
<CBName> Another object's central body name. The default value is Earth.
LLA <CBName> <Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude> Point to a specific lat, lon, alt on a central body. <Latitude> and <Longitude> are entered in degrees. <Latitude> must be between -180 and 180 degrees. <Altitude> is entered in meters and and must be larger then the minimum altitude defined for the central body.
<TruncObjectPath> Used to point a model towards another object in the Scenario.
Slew Interpolates pointing over specified interval to point from the object in the previous interval to the object in the next interval.

Note: This option is only valid if the {TargetOption} is used in conjuction with the Intervals {ModelPointOption}.


To set the Shuttle model's SolarArray to point to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/Shuttle ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Target Sun

To set the Facility1 model's Azimuth to point to the Satellite Shuttle:

VO */Facility/Facility1 ModelPointing "Azimuth-000000" Target Satellite/Shuttle

To turn off model pointing for the Facility1 model's Azimuth:

VO */Facility/Facility1 ModelPointing "Azimuth-000000" None

To add the first interval to the aosFac facility object and the second to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Add 2 "1 Jan 2001 00:00:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 01:00:00.00" Facility/aosFac "1 Jan 2001 02:00:00.00" "1 Jan 2001 03:00:00.00" Sun

To change the date units used during this Connect session to epoch seconds...

SetUnits / EpochSec

and then replace all intervals for the aosFac object with the one specified here:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays1-000000" Intervals ReplaceAll 1 "800.00" "1600.0" Facility/aosFac

To add the first interval to the aosFac facility object and the second to the Sun:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Add 2 "2400.0" "600.0" Facility/aosFac "2400.0" "3600.0" Sun

To replace interval between 0.0 and 600 epoch seconds for the aosFac object with an interval between 2700 and 3600 epoch seconds:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Replace "0.0" "600.0" Facility/aosFac "2700.0" "3600.0"

To replace all interval data for the Sun with interval pairs specified in the file:

VO */Satellite/attSat ModelPointing "SolarArrays-000000" Intervals Load Sun "e:\Temp\"

To make the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model point towards the sun, then slew to point at Facility 1 and then point at Facility1:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Bottom_Antenna-000000" Intervals Add 3 "1 Jun 2003 12:00:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 12:10:00.00" Sun "1 Jun 2003 12:10:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 12:15:00.00" Slew "1 Jun 2003 12:15:00.00" "1 Jun 2003 13:00:00.00" Facility/Facility1

To clear all pointing intervals for the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Bottom_Antenna-000000" Intervals ClearAll

To clear all pointing intervals for the bottom antenna for Satellite1 using the Hubble model:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 ModelPointing "Hubble-000000" Target LLA Earth 30 30 0


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Facilities, Places & Targets



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1