STK AgCrdnPluginSend comments on this topic.
Project Overview


The Vector Geometry Tool plugin interfaces.


AgCrdnAxesPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
AgCrdnAxesPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
AgCrdnAxesPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
AgCrdnAxesPythonPluginEmbedded Python implementation of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPythonPluginEmbedded Python implementation of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
AgCrdnConfiguredAngleCrdn Angle object which computes its angle.
AgCrdnConfiguredAngleWithRateCrdn Angle object which computes its angle and rate.
AgCrdnConfiguredAxesCrdn Axes object which computes its quaternion
AgCrdnConfiguredAxesWithRateCrdn Axes object which computes its quaternion and angular velocity
AgCrdnConfiguredCalcParameterSetCrdn Calc ParameterSet object which computes a set of scalar parameters
AgCrdnConfiguredCalcParameterSetWithRateCrdn Calc ParameterSet object which computes a set of scalar parameters and their rates
AgCrdnConfiguredCalcScalarCrdn Calc Scalar object which computes its value
AgCrdnConfiguredCalcScalarWithRateCrdn Calc Scalar object which computes its value and rate
AgCrdnConfiguredPointCrdn Point object which computes its components
AgCrdnConfiguredPointWithRateCrdn Point object which computes its components and rate
AgCrdnConfiguredSystemCrdn System object which computes its components
AgCrdnConfiguredSystemWithRateCrdn System object which computes its components and rate
AgCrdnConfiguredVectorCrdn Vector object which computes its components
AgCrdnConfiguredVectorWithRateCrdn Vector object which computes its components and rate
AgCrdnPluginCalcProviderCalc Tool plugin provider.
AgCrdnPluginProviderVector Tool plugin provider.
AgCrdnPointPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
AgCrdnPointPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
AgCrdnPointPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
AgCrdnPointPythonPluginEmbedded Python implementation of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
AgCrdnVectorPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.
AgCrdnVectorPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.
AgCrdnVectorPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.
AgCrdnVectorPythonPluginEmbedded Python implementation of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.


IAgCrdnAxesPluginA VGT axes plugin.
IAgCrdnAxesPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
IAgCrdnAxesPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
IAgCrdnAxesPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnAxesPlugin.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPluginUse a scalar calculation plugin.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnCalcScalarPlugin.
IAgCrdnConfiguredAngleCrdn Angle object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredAngleWithRateCrdn Angle object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredAxesCrdn Axes object interface which computes its quaternion.
IAgCrdnConfiguredAxesWithRateCrdn Axes object interface which computes its quaternion and angular velocity.
IAgCrdnConfiguredCalcParameterSetCrdn Calc ParameterSet object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredCalcParameterSetWithRateCrdn Calc ParameterSetWithRate object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredCalcScalarCrdn Calc Scalar object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredCalcScalarWithRateCrdn Calc ScalarWithRate object interface.
IAgCrdnConfiguredPointCrdn Point object interface which computes its components.
IAgCrdnConfiguredPointWithRateCrdn Point object interface which computes its components and rates.
IAgCrdnConfiguredSystemCrdn System object interface which computes its components.
IAgCrdnConfiguredSystemWithRateCrdn System object interface which computes its components and rates.
IAgCrdnConfiguredVectorCrdn Vector object interface which computes its components.
IAgCrdnConfiguredVectorWithRateCrdn Vector object interface which computes its components and rates.
IAgCrdnPluginCalcProviderVector Tool plugin provider interface.
IAgCrdnPluginProviderVector Tool plugin provider interface.
IAgCrdnPointPluginA VGT point plugin.
IAgCrdnPointPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
IAgCrdnPointPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
IAgCrdnPointPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnPointPlugin.
IAgCrdnVectorPluginA VGT vector plugin.
IAgCrdnVectorPluginResultEvalCOM Plugin Result interface for the Evaluate method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.
IAgCrdnVectorPluginResultRegCOM Plugin Result interface for the Register method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.
IAgCrdnVectorPluginResultResetCOM Plugin Result interface for the Reset method of IAgCrdnVectorPlugin.


AgECrdnEulerSequenceEnumeration AgECrdnEulerSequence.
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