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IAgOrbitState Interface


Interface to set and retrieve the coordinate type used to specify the orbit state.

Public Methods

Public Method AssignAssign a new coordinate type.
Public Method AssignCartesianAssign a new orbit state using Cartesian representation.
Public Method AssignClassicalAssign a new orbit state using Classical representation.
Public Method AssignEquinoctialPosigradeAssign a new orbit state using Equinoctial representation.
Public Method AssignEquinoctialRetrogradeAssign a new orbit state using Equinoctial representation.
Public Method AssignGeodeticAssign a new orbit state using Geodetic representation.
Public Method AssignMixedSphericalAssign a new orbit state using Mixed Spherical representation.
Public Method AssignSphericalAssign a new orbit state using Spherical representation.
Public Method ConvertToChanges the coordinate type to the type specified.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyNameGets the central body.
Public Property EpochGets or sets the state epoch.
Public Property OrbitStateTypeReturns the coordinate type currently being used.


The Assign/Query methods do not support HMS, DMS, DMS_Lat or DMS_Lon values.

CoClasses that Implement IAgOrbitState


Extends orbit state to another representation or coordinate system X
// orbitState can be extended to one of the other representations. 
// Here it is extended to Classical representation.
IAgOrbitStateClassical newOrbitState = orbitState.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical) as IAgOrbitStateClassical;

// Set the new orbit state parameters
newOrbitState.AssignClassical(AgECoordinateSystem.eCoordinateSystemICRF, 12000000, 0, 1.8, 0, -1.8, 0);               
Extends orbit state to another representation or coordinate system X
[Visual Basic .NET]
' orbitState can be extended to one of the other representations. 
' Here it is extended to Classical representation.
Dim newOrbitState As IAgOrbitStateClassical = TryCast(orbitState.ConvertTo(AgEOrbitStateType.eOrbitStateClassical), IAgOrbitStateClassical)

' Set the new orbit state parameters
newOrbitState.AssignClassical(AgECoordinateSystem.eCoordinateSystemICRF, 12000000, 0, 1.8, 0, -1.8, _
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