Obsolete Commands

Deprecated commands

The deprecated commands are those that are in the process of being phased out. Most have been replaced by other commands. These commands will be maintained for backward compatibility only. After two major releases of STK, these commands will become obsolete and not supported.

Command Replaced by Command(s) In Version Description
Atmosphere RFEnvironment
9.0 Control the use of atmospheric models
Atmosphere_RM RFEnvironment_RM
9.0 Get information about atmospheric models.
Comm CommSystem AccessOptions CommSystem
11 Set or modify access options for a CommSystem (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Clear CommSystem
11 Clear the graphics and any cached compute data. (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Compute CommSystem
11 Calculates link and interference data for a Comm System (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem IFSources CommSystem
11 Add or remove a constellation from the list of interfering constellations for a comm system (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Interference CommSystem
11 Control the calculation of interference (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Interval CommSystem
11 Set the time interval to be used for computing a comm system (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem LinkDefinition CommSystem
11 Define the constraining constellation and link criteria for a comm system (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Receive CommSystem
11 Add or remove a constellation(s) to carry out the receive function for the comm system (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem SaveMode CommSystem
11 Specify save and load behavior for a CommSystem (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem Transmit CommSystem
11 Add or remove a constellation to carry out the transmit function in the communication link analysis (Deprecated Command)
Environment RFEnvironment
12.2 Control the use of environmental models in a scenario
Environment_RM RFEnvironment_RM
12.2 Get information about environmental models.
RadarClutter Radar
12.6 Set and modify properties for radar clutter.
RadarClutter_RM Radar_RM
12.6 Get information about an object's clutter properties.
SoftVTR2D RecordMovie2D
11.5 Control soft video tape recording features for a 2D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
SoftVTR2D_R RecordMovie2D_R
11.5 Return information about Soft VTR settings (Deprecated Command)
SoftVTR3D RecordMovie3D
11.5 Control soft video tape recording features for a 3D window (Deprecated Command)
VO Covariance VOPositionCovariance
11.7 Set or modify Covariance graphics properties (Deprecated Command)
VO_R SoftVTR3D VO_R RecordMovie3D
11.5 Return information about Soft VTR settings (Deprecated Command)
VO_R VisualTerrainCurrentServer TerrainServer_RM
11 Returns current visual terrain server. (Deprecated Command)
VO_RM VisualTerrainServers TerrainServer_RM
11 Returns list of visual terrain servers (Deprecated Command).
VO_RM VisualTerrainTilesets TerrainServer_RM
11 Returns list of visual terrain tile sets. (Deprecated Command)

Obsolete commands

The following commands are obsolete and are no longer supported.

Command Replaced by Command In Version Description
ADF 12 Configure ADF servers (Deprecated Command)
ADFLoad 12 Load a VDF or STK file from the ADF into STK (Deprecated Command)
ADFSave 12 Save or check in a VDF or STK object to the ADF (Deprecated Command)
ADF_RM 12 Return information about ADF servers and resources (Deprecated Command)
AccessGfx Graphics SetAccessGfx
6.2 Set access graphics for an object or for all objects in a scenario.
Atmosphere (Comm & Radar) Atmosphere
12 Control the use of atmospheric models (Deprecated Command)
Clutter Graphics (Radar)
10.1 Set options for displaying clutter for an RAE radar in the 2D Graphics window
ClutterDB RadarClutter
12 Set the database to be used when generating clutter displays for an RAE radar (Deprecated Command)
Comm Antenna Receiver
12 Set the antenna properties of a receiver or transmitter (Deprecated Command)
Comm CommSystem SaveLevel 12 Control how a Comm System is saved (Deprecated Command)
Comm Define (Receiver) Receiver
12 Set basic properties of a receiver (Deprecated Command)
Comm Define (Transmitter) Transmitter
12 Set the basic properties of a transmitter (Deprecated Command)
Comm Filter Receiver
12 Define power spectrum filters for transmitters and receivers (Deprecated Command)
Comm GainLoss Receiver
12 Create a list of pre-receive or pre-demodulation gains and losses for a receiver or post-transmit gains and losses for a transmitter that will be added to the link equation (Deprecated Command)
Comm Modulation (Transmitter) Transmitter
12 Set the modulation details for a transmitter (Deprecated Command)
Comm Orient Receiver
12 Set the antenna orientation of a receiver or transmitter (Deprecated Command)
Comm Polarize Receiver
12 Set the polarization values for a receiver or transmitter (Deprecated Command)
Comm RainModel (Receiver) Receiver
12 Set outage values for rain models (Deprecated Command)
Comm SysTemp (Receiver) Receiver
12 Set RF system temperature properties for receivers (Deprecated Command)
Comm TransferFunc (Transmitter) Transmitter
12 Add transfer function coefficient values to a transmitter (Deprecated Command)
CommQuery Receiver_RM
12 Return information about a transmitter or receiver (Deprecated Command)
ConvertDate Units_Convert
12 Convert a date from one format to another. (Deprecated Command)
ConvertUnit Units_Convert
12 Convert a value from one unit to another. (Deprecated Command)
Environment (Comm & Radar) Environment
12 Control the use of environmental models in a scenario (Deprecated Command)
GetDB GetDirectory
12 Return the path of the current STK database (Deprecated Command)
GetDefaultDir GetDirectory
12 Return the path to the current default directory (Deprecated Command)
GetFullReport Report_RM
11 Return a complete report.
GetReport Report_RM
11 Return data in a specified report style.
GetRptSummary Report_RM
11 Return summary data and the full report.
GetSTKHomeDir GetDirectory
12 Return the path to the STK Install directory (Deprecated Command)
GetScenPath GetDirectory
12 Return the path to the directory in which the current scenario resides (Deprecated Command)
GetUserDir GetDirectory
12 Return the path to the STK User directory (Deprecated Command)
Graph GraphCreate
11 This command is used to generate a graph.
Graphics Contours (Figure of Merit) Graphics FOMContours
7.0 Define the display of contour graphics for a figure of merit
Graphics Persistence Graphics Persist
6.2 Control the graphical display of the persistence of a sensor's footprint
Graphics SAAContour SEET Graphics (Vehicle)
12 Display South Atlantic Anomaly contour graphics in the 2D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
Graphics SetLabel Graphics Label
12 Set the label for an instance to the input text string (Deprecated Command)
Graphics ShowAzElMask Graphics AzElMask
11 Control the display of azimuth-elevation mask graphics for a facility or target in the 2D Graphics window.
Graphics TextOutline MapGraphics Fonts
12 Set the text outline options for 2D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
Graphics UseInstNameLabel Graphics Label
12 Set the label for an instance to the instance name (Deprecated Command)
HPOP Maneuver 10.1 Configure manuevers for a HPOP Satellite.
Image Graphics ImageInlay
6.0 Show or hide an inlay image on a 2D Graphics window
Lighting Penumbra Lighting
12 Control the graphical display of penumbra regions during animation (Deprecated Command)
Lighting Sunlight Lighting
12 Control the graphical display of sunlit regions during animation (Deprecated Command)
Lighting Umbra Lighting
12 Control the graphical display of umbra regions during animation (Deprecated Command)
Print 11.1 Prints the 2D map
RCS (Deprecated) RCS
12 Set and modify RCS values for an object (Deprecated Command)
Radar Antenna Radar
12 Set the antenna properties of a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar Define Radar
12 Set basic properties of a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar GainLoss Radar
12 Add other gain/loss values to a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar Jammers Radar
12 Add jammer objects to a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar Orient Radar
12 Set the antenna orientation of a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar Polarization Radar
12 Implement transmit and receive polarization for a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar RainModel Radar
12 Set outage values for rain models (Deprecated Command)
Radar SAR Radar
12 Set the radar properties of a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) (Deprecated Command)
Radar SearchTrack Radar
12 Set the search and track properties of a radar (Deprecated Command)
Radar SysTemp Radar
12 Set RF system temperature properties for radars (Deprecated Command)
RdrAdvModel Radar
12 Set properties for the radar advanced environment (Deprecated Command)
Report ReportCreate
11 Generate a report file.
SDF 12.10 Configure STK Data Federate (SDF) servers.
SDFLoad 12.10 Load a VDF or STK file from the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers into STK.
SDFSave 12.10 Save or check in a VDF or STK object to the STK Data Federate (SDF) servers.
SDFUpload 12.10 Ability to upload and download files to the SDF.
SDF_RM 12.10 Return information about STK Data Federate (SDF) servers and resources.
SetAntOrient Antenna
10 Set antenna orientation properties.
SetAntenna Antenna
10 Set antenna properties.
SetCommGfx Receiver
10 Set receiver and transmitter contour graphics.
SetConnectReportUnits Units_Set
12 Set units of measure to be used when generating and displaying reports during the current Connect session (Deprecated Command)
SetConnectReportUnitsFlag Units_Set
12 Turn on or off the use of Connect report units. (Deprecated Command)
SetGUIUnits Units_Set
12 Set units of measure for entering data via the graphical user interface (panels) (Deprecated Command)
SetInternalUnits Units_Set
12 Set units to the internal STK values (Deprecated Command)
SetRcGainLoss Receiver
10 Set receiver gain/loss properties.
SetRcOptions Receiver
10 Set receiver option properties.
SetRcProps Receiver
10 Set receiver properties.
SetRdrDefn Radar
10.1 Set Radar properties.
SetRdrGainLoss Radar
10.1 Set Radar gain/loss properties.
SetRdrGfx Radar
10.1 Set Radar graphics properties.
SetRdrOptions Radar
10.1 Set Radar options.
SetRdrSAR Radar
10.1 Set Radar SAR properties.
SetRdrSearchTrack Radar
10.1 Set Radar search and track properties.
SetReportUnits Units_Set
12 Set units of measure to be used when generating and displaying reports during the current Connect session (Deprecated Command)
SetState File SetState FromFile
12 Set the path of a vehicle from an external ephemeris file (Deprecated Command)
SetSysTemp Receiver
10 Set RF system temperature properties for receivers.
SetTimePeriod SetAnalysisTimePeriod
12 Establish the scenario's time period (Deprecated Command)
SetUnits Units_Set
12 Set date, distance and time units for data transfer during the Connect session (Deprecated Command)
SetXmCoeff Transmitter
10 Set transmitter coefficient properties.
SetXmGainLoss Transmitter
10 Set transmitter gain/loss properties.
SetXmMod Transmitter
10 Set transmitter modulation properties.
SetXmPolar Transmitter
10 Set transmitter polarization properties.
SetXmProps Transmitter
10 Set transmitter properties.
ShowUnits Units_Get
12 Get the current units of measure being used for entering data via the interface, displaying data in reports or entering data via the Connect socket (Deprecated Command)
Swath (Sensor) SetSwath
6.1 Calculate and display a sensor's swath
TLEFileLoad (Satellites) ImportTLEFile (Satellites)
6.0 Load satellite(s) from a TLE file
VO BorderWallHeight VO BorderWall
6.1 To use terrain data when drawing the border of an area target
VO DataDisplayArea VO Annotation DataDisplayArea
6.2 Set up the data display area on a 3d window.
VO Frame VO OrbitSystem
11 Set the frame of reference for a vehicle's orbit or trajectory.
VO ImageSet VO TerrainAndImagery
7.0 Identify the image set(s) to be displayed on the globe in a 3D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
VO InlayImage VO TerrainAndImagery
7.0 Set attributes for image inlays in the 3D window (Deprecated Command)
VO LabelMaxViewingDist VO LabelLOD
6.0 Specify the maximum viewing distance for displaying the area target label
VO Moon VO Celestial
6.1 Control the appearance of the Moon in the 3D Graphics window
VO Pass VO Pass3D
12 Set leading and trailing graphics in a 3D window for all types of vehicles (Deprecated Command)
VO SAAContour SEET Graphics (Vehicle)
12 Display South Atlantic Anomaly contour graphics in the 3D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
VO SaveCurrentView VO SaveStoredView
6.2 Save the current view in the selected 3D window
VO ShowAllPoints VO MTOAttributes
7.0 Turn on or off show all points flag for Multi-Track Object (Deprecated Command).
VO StopAtCentralBody VO StopAtMinAlt
6.1 Define how the central body will be treated when they obstruct the path of the viewer while zooming
VO Sun VO Celestial
6.1 Change settings of the Sun section of VO Celestial page
VO TextOutline VO Fonts
12 Set the text outline options for 3D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
VO UseImageSet VO TerrainAndImagery
7.0 Turn on or off the use of image sets in the 3D Graphics window (Deprecated Command)
VO UseLabelMaxViewingDist VO LabelLOD
6.0 Use the maximum viewing distance for displaying the area target label.
VO ViewerPosAnnotation VO Annotation ViewerPos
6.2 Control the display properties of the viewer position annotation
VO_R StoredViews VO_R StoredViewNames
6.1.2 Returns the names of any stored views