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AGI.Foundation.Geometry.Discrete Namespace

Contains types which define discretization algorithms and metadata for analysis of spatial geometry.
Public classBoxTriangulator
Triangulates a box. It is recommended to visualize the box using a SolidPrimitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a TriangleMeshPrimitive with RenderBackThenFrontFaces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a PolylinePrimitive can be used.
Public classCentralBodyCoverageGrid
The abstract base class for a ICoverageGrid that produces grid points defined relative to a CentralBody.
Public classConeCoverageGrid
A cone grid with (0,0,0) defined as the apex of the cone. The positive z-axis points from the apex to the base.
Public classCoverageGridPoint
Represents a grid point for use with the coverage system. It holds the position of the grid point, the statistical weight, the reference frame it is defined in, and (optionally) the grid point's cell.
Public classCuboidCoverageGrid
A cuboid grid in Cartesian coordinates. Each coordinate is gridded from the minimum to maximum value of the coordinate's respective Bounds. (0,0,0) is defined as the center of the cuboid for the constructors that use length in each axis. It is possible to use this grid to produce a plane grid embedded in 3D by setting one coordinate's bounds to zero effective length.
Public classCylinderCoverageGrid
A cylinder grid with (0,0,0) defined to be at the center of the cylinder for the constructors that take length as parameters. The coordinates are right handed, defined in the usual way with height in z and the clock angle relative to the positive x-axis. Positive z is defined as from the bottom circular base to the top circular base.
Public classCylinderTriangulator
Triangulates a cylinder. It is recommended to visualize the cylinder using a SolidPrimitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a TriangleMeshPrimitive with RenderBackThenFrontFaces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a PolylinePrimitive can be used.
Public classEllipsoidSurfaceRegionCoverageGridCell
An ellipsoid surface region grid cell that does not vary in time.
Public classEllipsoidTriangulator
Triangulates an ellipsoid. It is recommended to visualize the ellipsoid using a SolidPrimitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a TriangleMeshPrimitive with RenderBackThenFrontFaces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a PolylinePrimitive can be used.
Public classExtrudedCentralBodyCoverageGrid
A CentralBodyCoverageGrid that takes as input an existing CentralBodyCoverageGrid type and extrudes it in the specified manner to become a three dimensional grid.
Public classExtrudedPolylineTriangulator
Triangulates a polyline into an extrusion with bottom and top boundaries.
Public classExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult
The result from extruded polyline triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list with top and bottom boundary positions. The mesh is commonly visualized with the TriangleMeshPrimitive or SurfaceMeshPrimitive. The boundaries are commonly visualized with the PolylinePrimitive.
Public classGeometricPrimitiveCoverageGrid
The abstract base for simple grids used in the coverage system.
Public classGlobalCoverageGrid
Represents a set of grid points spanning the entire globe of the specified CentralBody.
Public classIntersectionWithSurfaceRegionsCoverageGrid
Represents a set of grid points created by a given CentralBodyCoverageGrid and lying inside a set of EllipsoidSurfaceRegions.
Public classLatitudeBoundsCoverageGrid
Represents a set of grid points bounded by two lines of planetodetic latitude.
Public classLatitudeLineCoverageGrid
Represents a set of grid points along a line of planetodetic latitude.
Public classLongitudeLineCoverageGrid
Represents a set of grid points along a line of longitude.
Public classRectangularPyramidCoverageGrid
A rectangular pyramid grid. The coordinate origin is at the apex of the rectangular pyramid. The z-axis points from the apex to the base and is aligned with the pyramid's height. The axes are right handed.
Public classSolidTriangulatorResult
The result from a triangulation of a solid: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and positions outlining the solid. It is recommended to visualize the solid using a SolidPrimitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a TriangleMeshPrimitive with RenderBackThenFrontFaces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a PolylinePrimitive can be used.
Public classSpecifiedCentralBodyCoverageGrid
Wraps a previously generated set of grid points with their respective boundaries or accepts a specified list of Cartographic grid point locations. The grid is stored in memory instead of being generated on demand.
Public classSpecifiedCollectionCoverageGriddingTechnique
Grids a given coordinate by the specified collection.
Public classSpecifiedCoverageGrid
Wraps a previously generated set of GridPoints or accepts a specified list of Points and weights. The grid is stored in memory instead of being generated on demand.
Public classSpecifiedNumberOfPointsCoverageGriddingTechnique
Grids a given coordinate with a specified number of points. The input range is gridded from the lower to the upper bounds inclusive. If fewer than two points are requested then the lower bounds is returned as the sole grid point. When cyclic gridding is selected this technique will be sure to only place one point at 0/2pi.
Public classSpecifiedResolutionCoverageGriddingTechnique
Grids a given coordinate with a specified resolution. The input range is gridded with the gridding start location included, and the lower and upper bounds excluded. These end points may be included by setting the appropriate flags. When cyclic gridding is selected this technique will be sure to only place one point at 0/2pi.
Public classSpheroidCoverageGrid
A spheroid grid in spherical coordinates with the center at (0,0,0), the axis defined as right-handed at that location with positive z pointing north.
Public classSurfaceExtentTriangulator
Triangulates an extent on a central body into a triangle mesh and a surrounding boundary. The mesh is commonly visualized with the TriangleMeshPrimitive or SurfaceMeshPrimitive. The boundary is commonly visualized with the PolylinePrimitive.
Public classSurfacePolygonTriangulator
Triangulates a polygon, with an optional hole, on a central body, into a triangle mesh and a surrounding boundary. The mesh is commonly visualized with the TriangleMeshPrimitive or SurfaceMeshPrimitive. The boundary is commonly visualized with the PolylinePrimitive.
Public classSurfaceRegionsCoverageGrid
Represents a regular grid inside the boundaries of a specified set of surface regions, based on a given resolution.
Public classSurfaceShapes
Computes boundary positions for shapes on the surface such as circles, ellipses, and sectors.
Public classSurfaceShapesResult
Represents the boundary positions of a shape on the surface computed from by a SurfaceShapes method.
Public classSurfaceTriangulatorResult
The result from a triangulation on the surface of a central body: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and boundary positions surrounding the mesh. The mesh is commonly visualized with the TriangleMeshPrimitive or SurfaceMeshPrimitive. The boundary are commonly visualized with the PolylinePrimitive.
Public classTorusCoverageGrid
A torus grid with the origin at the center of the torus. The torus' radius, R, measures the distance from the origin to the center of the tube of the circle of revolution that defines the torus. The major clock angle is the torus clock angle. The minor clock angle is the clock angle for the circle of revolution.
Public classTriangulatorResult
The result from triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list. This is commonly visualized with the TriangleMeshPrimitive or SurfaceMeshPrimitive.
Public classVolumeElementCoverageGridCellT
A three dimensional grid cell that contains the volume and coordinate bounds.
Public interfaceICoverageGrid
The base interface for grids used in the coverage system.
Public interfaceICoverageGridCell
Describes an interface for a grid cell in the coverage system.
Public interfaceICoverageGriddingTechnique
Describes a gridding technique that can be used with a GeometricPrimitiveCoverageGrid.
Public enumerationCylinderFill
Cylinder faces that can be filled.
Public enumerationWindingOrder
Specifies the order for positions or front facing triangles. Winding order is important for triangulation and backface culling.