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ImpulsiveManeuverSegment Class

A SegmentDefinition that performs an impulsive maneuver. The propagator for this segment will add the delta-V in the Maneuver to the point state element. It will also keep track of the fuel usage if the ImpulsiveManeuverInformation is configured with fuel mass configuration.

This segment is somewhat unique in that it will pass all of the state elements to the next segment, but it still requires a StateElementAdapter to be available for the point element it modifies. If this segment is the first or only segment producing ephemeris, then the SetElementAndAdapter(StateElementAdapterDefinition) must be called with an adapter configured to handle the point element. If there is a previous segment with an adapter for the point element, then the adapter on this segment may be omitted if the desired output frame of the ephemeris for this segment is the same as the previous segment. If an optional costate vector is implemented in ImpulsiveManeuverInformation, it will also have to be configured appropriately.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation (in AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation.dll) Version: 24.2.419.0 (24.2.419.0)
public class ImpulsiveManeuverSegment : SegmentDefinition

The ImpulsiveManeuverSegment type exposes the following members.

Public methodImpulsiveManeuverSegment
Initializes a new instance. A maneuver must be set via the Maneuver property before propagation.
Public methodImpulsiveManeuverSegment(ImpulsiveManeuverInformation)
Initializes a new instance.
Protected methodImpulsiveManeuverSegment(ImpulsiveManeuverSegment, CopyContext)
Initializes a new instance as a copy of an existing instance.
Public propertyElements
Gets the names of all of the elements that this segment is propagating.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyManeuver
Gets or sets the maneuver that will be performed.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets a name to describe the segment. This is optional.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public propertyNextStateBehavior
Gets or sets the behavior for passing states to the next segment. See StateForNextSegmentBehavior for more information.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public propertyPassAllElementsToNextSegment
Gets a value indicating whether the segment is such that it will not define any Elements or StateElementAdapters. Such a segment typically affects the control flow of multiple segments instead of propagating state elements. By default this is , but if the specific derived segment can use the previous segment's adapters, override this property to always return . Even if this is some segments may require adapters to be set with the SetElementAndAdapter(StateElementAdapterDefinition) method.
(Overrides SegmentDefinitionPassAllElementsToNextSegment.)
Public propertyPropagationDirection
Gets or sets the direction that this segment will be initially propagated. If this segment propagates multiple segments, the child segments will be propagated in the direction that they are configured with. If the overall list is going forward, segments that go back in time will override the immediate previous segments ephemeris, but if another segment going forward follows the backwards segment, that backwards segment will be ignored when the overall trajectory is resolved into a single ephemeris set. If you are using a StoppingCondition that depends on time, the time span of those stopping conditions must match this property (for example, a DurationStoppingCondition must have a negative threshold if this is set to Decreasing, otherwise, the condition will never be tripped).
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(DefinitionalObject)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(ImpulsiveManeuverSegment)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(SegmentDefinition)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
(Overrides SegmentDefinitionCheckForSameDefinition(SegmentDefinition).)
Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectClone(CopyContext).)
Protected methodComputeCurrentDefinitionHashCode
Computes a hash code based on the current properties of this object. Derived classes MUST override this method and compute a hash code that combines: a unique hash code seed, the base implementation result, and the hash codes of all new fields introduced by the derived class which are used in the CheckForSameDefinition(DefinitionalObject) method.
(Overrides SegmentDefinitionComputeCurrentDefinitionHashCode.)
Public methodContainsElement
Checks to see if there is a StateElementAdapterDefinition for the provided element.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Protected methodCreateSegmentPropagator
Creates, configures, and returns the SegmentPropagator for this segment. This method should check that all of the required properties on the concrete instance are configured properly before constructing the SegmentPropagator to be returned.
(Overrides SegmentDefinitionCreateSegmentPropagator(EvaluatorGroup, SegmentDefinition).)
Public methodCreateVariable(Double, Double, SetVariableCallbackImpulsiveManeuverSegmentConfiguration)
Public methodCreateVariable(Double, Double, SetVariableCallbackImpulsiveManeuverSegmentConfiguration, SolverVariableScaling)
Public methodEnumerateDependencies
Enumerates the dependencies of this object by calling EnumerateT(T) for each object that this object directly depends upon. Derived classes which contain additional dependencies MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and enumerate dependencies introduced by the derived class.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectEnumerateDependencies(DependencyEnumerator).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFreeze
Freezes this object. Further attempts to modify it will result in an ObjectFrozenException.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Protected methodFreezeAggregatedObjects
Called by Freeze to also freeze any objects that are considered to be a part of this object. Derived classes which contain additional aggregated objects MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and freeze aggregated objects introduced by the derived class. The objects that need to be frozen in this method are frequently created in this object's constructor and are not settable via properties.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectFreezeAggregatedObjects.)
Public methodGetDefinedIn
Gets the object (for example, a ReferenceFrame, an Axes, etc.) in which the specified element is defined in. This can return if there is no such object. When overriding this method, you generally should not call the base method, instead the derived segment should keep track of the elements and defined in objects itself.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetDefinitionHashCode
Gets a hash code representing the definition of this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetElementAdapter
Returns the adapter for the given state element. The StateElementAdapters handle the various transformations of the propagated elements between segments (for example, if the integration frame of a point being propagated changes from one segment to another, the adapter is what handles that transformation between segment). All elements propagated by this segment must have an adapter returned by this method (even if that adapter simply returns the original state). If multiple segments are being propagated by this segment (as a SegmentList would), this must return the adapter of the StateElementAdapter of the element for the final known segment getting propagated.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetSegmentPropagator
Creates, configures, and returns the SegmentPropagator for this segment. This method assumes that no previous segment is needed to configure this segment's propagator.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetSegmentPropagator(EvaluatorGroup)
Creates, configures, and returns the SegmentPropagator for this segment. This method assumes that no previous segment is needed to configure this segment's propagator.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetSegmentPropagator(SegmentDefinition)
Creates, configures, and returns the SegmentPropagator for this segment.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetSegmentPropagator(EvaluatorGroup, SegmentDefinition)
Creates, configures, and returns the SegmentPropagator for this segment.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsSameDefinition
Determines if this object has the same definition as another object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveElement
Removes the StateElementAdapterDefinition for the specified element.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Public methodSetElementAndAdapter

Add or sets an adapter for an element in this segment.

Note that many types of derived segments will automatically handle their adapters by interrogating properties specific to the derived segment. Also some segments whose PassAllElementsToNextSegment property is do not require adapters or elements to be set.

These adapters have the responsibility of processing the initial state that the propagator will start propagating from. They will modify the initial state passed to this segment so that the state is in a form that the propagator can process.

(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)
Protected methodThrowIfFrozen
Throws ObjectFrozenException if this object IsFrozen. This method should be called from any method or property that modifies this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from SegmentDefinition.)

The results returned for this segment upon propagation is ImpulsiveManeuverSegmentResults.

See Also