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AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation Namespace

Contains types for modeling a trajectory in segments, where the type of propagation varies for each segment.
Public classBasicLaunchSegment
This launch segment provides compatibility with STK Astrogator's launch segment. The design of this segment is relatively simple: form an ellipse in the fixed frame between the launch point and the burnout point and interpolate along this ellipse to produce the output ephemeris. This model is low fidelity, but provides a reasonable visualization for launch to orbit insertion. When the burnout state specifies the final velocity in the fixed frame, the flight path angle is set to zero and the final orbit's inclination is determined by the arc of the ellipse. When the burnout state specifies the burnout velocity in the inertial frame it is possible to specify the characteristics of the final orbit more exactly.
Public classBasicLaunchSegmentConfiguration
The configuration for the BasicLaunchSegment. This element is required to successfully use the basic launch segment.
Public classBasicLaunchSegmentResults
The basic launch segment results. In addition to the results offered in the base type of SegmentResults, this derived type offers several boolean properties used to flag warnings in the propagator which are not fatal to propagation but should be checked.
Public classChangePropagateSegmentsPropagatorOperator
An operator that changes the wrapped StoppablePropagator in a PropagateSegment. Note that this can bypass the limits placed on the type of propagator derived propagate segments may have (for example, a normal PropagateSegment that was configured with a TwoBodyStoppablePropagator could be configured to run with a StoppableNumericalPropagator with this operator).
Public classChangeReturnSegmentOperator
An operator for a TargetedSegmentList that will change the Enabled setting for a ReturnSegment that is in the TargetedSegmentList that contains this operator and ReturnSegment.
Public classChangeStoppingConditionEnabledOperator
A TargetedSegmentListOperator that will enable or disable a StoppingConditionEvaluator in a nested PropagateSegment.
Public classChangeStoppingConditionThresholdOperatorT
A TargetedSegmentListOperator that will change the value of a threshold at propagation time.
Public classChangeStopSegmentOperator
An operator for a TargetedSegmentList that will change the StopEnabled setting for a StopSegment that is in the TargetedSegmentList that contains this operator and StopSegment.
Public classFiniteManeuverSegment
A segment that will run a NumericalPropagator until a StoppingCondition is satisfied. It is assumed that some sort of rocket thrusting is occurring, so this segment will handle the configuration pertaining to fuel level stopping conditions and the state at ignition and propagation start.
Public classFiniteManeuverSegmentResults
The results produced by a FiniteManeuverSegment.
Public classFollowSegment

A segment that will start propagating based on a specified strategy, and will end propagating based on another strategy. This is a PropagateSegment, however, due to the nature of how the start and end of propagation are determined, the StoppingConditions can be empty. However if they are not empty, those conditions can end propagation during the evaluation of the initial state derivation or final state derivation.

Note that if this segment is not the first segment being propagated, it is possible that a discontinuity can occur.

Public classFollowSegmentBeginning
Defines how the initial state of a FollowSegment should be derived.
Public classFollowSegmentBeginningPropagator
Evaluates the initial state for the propagator of a FollowSegment.
Public classFollowSegmentEnding
Defines how to propagate to the final state of a FollowSegment.
Public classFollowSegmentEndingPropagator
Evaluates the initial state for the propagator of a FollowSegment.
Public classFollowSegmentEndsAsWithDefaultConditions
Propagates the FollowSegment to whatever default end StoppingCondition it is configured with.
Public classFollowSegmentEndsWithStoppingConditions
Propagates the SegmentPropagator of a FollowSegment to a set of StoppingConditions. These conditions will be automatically added to the StoppablePropagator but disabled until this evaluator is called. Then they will be enabled, propagation will occur, and then disabled again.
Public classFollowSegmentResults
The results of propagating a FollowSegment.
Public classFollowSegmentStartsAtEndOfBasePropagator
Determines the initial state of a FollowSegment by getting the final state of the wrapped StoppablePropagator. If propagation is going forward in time, this will return the final state that can be produced by the propagator, and the earliest point in time if propagation is going backwards in time. If there is no such state (if the StoppablePropagator cannot produce such a state) then an exception will be thrown.
Public classFollowSegmentStartsWithDefaultInitialState
Determines the initial state of a FollowSegment by using the default initial state passed to the segment. In short, this is the same behavior of the default propagation of segments. This will be the previous segment's final state if the FollowSegment is not the first segment, or it will be the initial state passed into the Propagate(ITimeBasedState) method, if it is specified, or it will be the initial state as configured on the wrapped StoppablePropagatorDefinition if it is specified. If none of those are available then this will throw an exception.
Public classFollowSegmentStartsWithStoppingConditions
Propagates the wrapped SegmentPropagator of a FollowSegment until a user specified StoppingCondition stops propagation. The state when this condition is met becomes the initial state for the FollowSegment's propagation. The conditions set on this class will be added to the wrapped StoppablePropagator but disabled until this evaluator is called. The evaluator for this will then enable the added conditions, propagate the wrapped segment, and then disable the added conditions again.
Public classHoldSegment
A segment whose states are held constant in time. This is intended to be used when the object being propagated is fixed in some way, such as landed on a central body or fixed to another vehicle.
Public classImpulsiveManeuverInformation
Stores all the information needed for a maneuver to be performed by an ImpulsiveManeuverSegment.
Public classImpulsiveManeuverSegment

A SegmentDefinition that performs an impulsive maneuver. The propagator for this segment will add the delta-V in the Maneuver to the point state element. It will also keep track of the fuel usage if the ImpulsiveManeuverInformation is configured with fuel mass configuration.

This segment is somewhat unique in that it will pass all of the state elements to the next segment, but it still requires a StateElementAdapter to be available for the point element it modifies. If this segment is the first or only segment producing ephemeris, then the SetElementAndAdapter(StateElementAdapterDefinition) must be called with an adapter configured to handle the point element. If there is a previous segment with an adapter for the point element, then the adapter on this segment may be omitted if the desired output frame of the ephemeris for this segment is the same as the previous segment. If an optional costate vector is implemented in ImpulsiveManeuverInformation, it will also have to be configured appropriately.

Public classImpulsiveManeuverSegmentConfiguration
The configuration for an ImpulsiveManeuverSegment. A MultivariableFunctionSolver may edit the items accessed from this object without editing the original maneuver.
Public classImpulsiveManeuverSegmentResults
SegmentResults augmented with information relevant to the propagation of an ImpulsiveManeuverSegment.
Public classInitialStateSegmentT
Represents an initial state for a SegmentPropagator. Generally this should be the first non-SegmentListsegment to get propagated.
Public classInitialStateSegmentConfiguration
Public classInvalidFuelStateException
An exception that indicates a maneuver caused a craft to run out of fuel.
Public classNumericalInitialStateSegment
Public classNumericalPropagatorSegment
A segment that will run a NumericalPropagator until a StoppingCondition is satisfied. Each StoppingCondition in the AGI.Foundation.StoppingConditions can have an optional SegmentDefinition associated with it that get propagated if that StoppingCondition is the one that stops the propagation of this segments propagator.
Public classPropagateSegment
A segment that will run a StoppablePropagator until a StoppingCondition is satisfied. Each StoppingCondition in the StoppingConditions can have an optional SegmentDefinition associated with it that get propagated if that StoppingCondition is the one that stops the propagation of this segment's propagator.
Public classPropagateSegmentConfiguration
The configuration of a PropagateSegment which stores and allows the modification what StoppablePropagator will be used at propagation time of the PropagateSegment.
Public classPropagateSegmentResults
A PropagateSegment can optionally propagate multiple segments with an auto-sequence with stopping conditions. When auto-sequences are run (possibly multiple times), there will be a pattern where the PropagateSegments propagator propagates, then the SegmentPropagator for the stopping conditions auto sequence will run, then the original propagator if the stopping condition is configured to be tripped multiple times. The overall SegmentResults returned will be the PropagateSegmentResults which is a SegmentList of all of the segments propagated.
Public classReturnSegment
A segment that will end propagation of a SegmentList that contains this segment even if there are other segments still in the list. Due to the nature of how this segment works, it is not possible for it to run as a single standalone segment; it must be nested in the SegmentList that it will jump out of.
Public classReturnSegmentConfiguration
The configuration for a ReturnSegment.
Public classRunSegmentListOperator
Public classSeedFiniteManeuverOperator
An operator that will replace an ImpulsiveManeuverSegment with a similarly configured FiniteManeuverSegment in a TargetedSegmentList. Due to the fact that a single DurationStoppingCondition is set with the time needed to perform the required delta-v, only a single maneuver is supported.
Public classSegmentConfiguration

The configuration for a SegmentPropagator. This configuration must be mutable and it must have all of the settings that some outer operation may want to change to drive the segment to propagate towards a common result. SegmentConfigurations will be created by the segment when the propagator is created and potentially changed by a TargetedSegmentListOperator.

If writing your own SegmentDefinition and SegmentPropagator, it is best to create a specific SegmentConfiguration for that new segment. Generally, all of the settings on the SegmentDefinition should be reflected in this configuration.

Public classSegmentDefinition

The base class for segments used with the Segment Propagation Library. These segments define how an ITimeBasedState will be propagated. The initial state will be passed into the propagator'sPropagateSegment method. Multiple segments can be linked together in a simple sequential manner, or in a more complex manner dictated by the control flow segments. When linked together the state elements are fed in to the next logical segment via the manner described in the property, StateForNextSegmentBehavior.

When designing custom segments, the segment should support being the first segment in a sequence, if it makes logical and physical sense. If it does not, then a detailed Exception should be thrown when GetSegmentPropagator is called and no previous segment is included.

Custom segments should have a corresponding custom configuration type that goes along with it. This configuration object will store mutable values that the segment propagation system could modify. The configuration object does not need to have every single property of the segment; only the ones that are required during propagation.

Public classSegmentList
A class that holds a list of SegmentDefinitions that gets propagated in series. When this types propagator is propagated, you may always safely cast the results returned to SegmentListResults. This is a SegmentDefinition, so you can nest a SegmentList in another SegmentList.
Public classSegmentListConfiguration
The configuration for a SegmentList. This stores a collection of the configurations of all the segments in the SegmentList.
Public classSegmentListPropagator
The SegmentPropagator for SegmentList. Each SegmentPropagator in the list will be propagated sequentially and a SegmentListResults will be returned. Note that there are several virtual methods on this type that must be overridden if you are extending this type.
Public classSegmentListResults
The results returned by a propagated SegmentList.
Public classSegmentPropagationEventArgs
Provides information about the current propagator's propagation.
Public classSegmentPropagator
The abstract type for a segment's propagator. This will perform the propagation and produce SegmentResults.
Public classSegmentResults
The results computed by a SegmentPropagator. Most Segment Propagators return a results type derived from this class, see the documentation for more information. When a SegmentPropagator propagates, it must fill in all of the relevant values in this type before it returns its results.
Public classSinglePropagateSegmentResults
A PropagateSegment can optionally propagate multiple segments with an auto-sequence with stopping conditions. When auto-sequences are run (possibly multiple times), there will be a pattern where the PropagateSegments propagator propagates, then the SegmentPropagator for the stopping conditions auto sequence will run, then the original propagator if the stopping condition is configured to be tripped multiple times. The overall SegmentResults returned will be the PropagateSegmentResults which is a SegmentList. This is the results for those single run of the PropagateSegment that gets run initially and after an auto-sequence finishes.
Public classSingleValueStateUpdater
Updates the propagated state where a single value will change a value or values in the state. This can add the single value to a scalar, or multiple several values in the state by the single value, or set a value in the state to a specific value. The single value is a value that a variable in a TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrector can edit.
Public classStateElementAdapterHelpers
A set of helper methods for working with StateElementAdapters.
Public classStateUpdaterDefinition
Defines a specific way to update a ITimeBasedState in an UpdateSegment.
Public classStateUpdaterEvaluator
Updates the propagated state in an UpdateSegment.
Public classStoppedOnMaximumDurationException
The Exception that gets thrown when a PropagateSegmentResults was stopped on its MaximumDuration and if the segment was set to throw if the Duration was exceeded.
Public classStopSegment
A segment that will end the propagation and return the results up to this segment when propagated.
Public classStopSegmentConfiguration
The configuration for a StopSegment.
Public classSwapSegmentOperator
Public classSwitchableSegment
A SegmentDefinition that can switch between two segments.
Public classSwitchableSegmentConfiguration
Public classSwitchableSegmentResults
The SegmentResults for a SwitchableSegment. Regardless of which segment was propagated, the ephemeris of this set of results will be in the PrimarySegment's defined-ins (i.e. ReferenceFrame and Axes).
Public classTargetedSegmentList
A SegmentList that can control and change properties of the segments it is propagating by using operators at propagation time.
Public classTargetedSegmentListConfiguration
The configuration for a TargetedSegmentList. This stores the segment propagators that are set at the beginning of the computation.
Public classTargetedSegmentListOperator
The definition of a operation that will in some way modify how the SegmentPropagators in a TargetedSegmentList are run.
Public classTargetedSegmentListOperatorEvaluator
The evaluator of an operator that a TargetedSegmentList uses on its constituent segments.
Public classTargetedSegmentListOperatorResults
The base class that gets returned when a TargetedSegmentListOperatorEvaluator is computed. Typically this class should be extended unless the operation produces no results itself. In addition to the properties in this type, any other data that your operator computed that an end user might care about should be added to your type inheriting from this one.
Public classTargetedSegmentListResults
A SegmentListResults that is returned when a TargetedSegmentLists propagator is run.
Public classUpdateSegment
A segment that will update the final state of the previous segment. The returned SegmentResults will have two states in its ephemeris, the final state of the previous segment, and the modified state.
Public classUpdateSegmentConfiguration
The mutable SegmentConfiguration for an UpdateSegment.
Public enumerationChangeStoppingConditionOption
The options for enabling or disabling a StoppingCondition for the ChangeStoppingConditionEnabledOperator
Public enumerationInvalidFuelStateBehavior
An enum that will let a maneuver segment know what to do if an maneuver can not be completed due to lack of fuel.
Public enumerationMaximumDurationBehavior
Defines the behavior that a NumericalPropagatorSegment should use when its MaximumDuration is reached during propagation.
Public enumerationReturnSegmentBehavior
The possible behaviors of a ReturnSegment's propagation.
Public enumerationStateForNextSegmentBehavior
Enumerates the behaviors used in passing a state from one segment to another.
Public enumerationSwitchableSegmentOption
The options for which segment will be run by default.
Public enumerationTargetedSegmentListOperatorBehavior
Defines the behavior of the operators in the TargetedSegmentList. These options are mainly for operators that compute iteratively, such as the TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrector.
Public enumerationTargetedSegmentListOperatorConvergenceBehavior
Allows the user to specify the behavior of the parent TargetedSegmentList when an operator finishes successfully.