
new Cesium.CompressedTextureBuffer(internalFormat, width, height, buffer)

Describes a compressed texture and contains a compressed texture buffer.
Name Type Description
internalFormat PixelFormat The pixel format of the compressed texture.
width Number The width of the texture.
height Number The height of the texture.
buffer Uint8Array The compressed texture buffer.


readonly bufferView : Uint8Array

The compressed texture buffer.

readonly height : Number

The height of the texture.
The format of the compressed texture.

readonly width : Number

The width of the texture.


static Cesium.CompressedTextureBuffer.clone(object)CompressedTextureBuffer

Creates a shallow clone of a compressed texture buffer.
Name Type Description
object CompressedTextureBuffer The compressed texture buffer to be cloned.
A shallow clone of the compressed texture buffer.
Creates a shallow clone of this compressed texture buffer.
A shallow clone of the compressed texture buffer.