
new Cesium.Entity(options)

Entity instances aggregate multiple forms of visualization into a single high-level object. They can be created manually and added to Viewer#entities or be produced by data sources, such as CzmlDataSource and GeoJsonDataSource.
Name Type Description
options Entity.ConstructorOptions optional Object describing initialization options


The availability, if any, associated with this object. If availability is undefined, it is assumed that this object's other properties will return valid data for any provided time. If availability exists, the objects other properties will only provide valid data if queried within the given interval.
Gets or sets the billboard.
Gets or sets the box.
Gets or sets the conic sensor.
Gets or sets the corridor.

customPatternSensor : CustomPatternSensorGraphics|undefined

Gets or sets the custom patterned sensor.
Gets or sets the cylinder.

readonly definitionChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised whenever a property or sub-property is changed or modified.

description : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the description.
Gets or sets the ellipse.
Gets or sets the ellipsoid.
Gets or sets the entity collection that this entity belongs to.
Gets or sets the fan.
Gets the unique ID associated with this object.

isShowing : Boolean

Gets whether this entity is being displayed, taking into account the visibility of any ancestor entities.
Gets or sets the label.
Gets or sets the model.

name : String|undefined

Gets or sets the name of the object. The name is intended for end-user consumption and does not need to be unique.

orientation : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the orientation.

parent : Entity|undefined

Gets or sets the parent object.
Gets or sets the path.
Gets or sets the plane.
Gets or sets the point graphic.
Gets or sets the polygon.
Gets or sets the polyline.
Gets or sets the polyline volume.
Gets or sets the position.

properties : PropertyBag|undefined

Gets or sets the bag of arbitrary properties associated with this entity.

propertyNames : Array.<string>

Gets the names of all properties registered on this instance.
Gets or sets the rectangle.
Gets or sets the rectangular sensor.

show : Boolean

Gets or sets whether this entity should be displayed. When set to true, the entity is only displayed if the parent entity's show property is also true.
Gets or sets the tileset.
Gets or sets the vector.

viewFrom : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the suggested initial offset when tracking this object. The offset is typically defined in the east-north-up reference frame, but may be another frame depending on the object's velocity.
Gets or sets the wall.


static Cesium.Entity.supportsMaterialsforEntitiesOnTerrain(scene)Boolean

Checks if the given Scene supports materials besides Color on Entities draped on terrain or 3D Tiles. If this feature is not supported, Entities with non-color materials but no `height` will instead be rendered as if height is 0.
Name Type Description
scene Scene The current scene.
Whether or not the current scene supports materials for entities on terrain.

static Cesium.Entity.supportsPolylinesOnTerrain(scene)Boolean

Checks if the given Scene supports polylines clamped to terrain or 3D Tiles. If this feature is not supported, Entities with PolylineGraphics will be rendered with vertices at the provided heights and using the `arcType` parameter instead of clamped to the ground.
Name Type Description
scene Scene The current scene.
Whether or not the current scene supports polylines on terrain or 3D TIles.


Adds a property to this object. Once a property is added, it can be observed with Entity#definitionChanged and composited with CompositeEntityCollection
Name Type Description
propertyName String The name of the property to add.

computeModelMatrix(time, result)Matrix4

Computes the model matrix for the entity's transform at specified time. Returns undefined if orientation or position are undefined.
Name Type Description
time JulianDate The time to retrieve model matrix for.
result Matrix4 optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided. Result is undefined if position or orientation are undefined.


Given a time, returns true if this object should have data during that time.
Name Type Description
time JulianDate The time to check availability for.
true if the object should have data during the provided time, false otherwise.
Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.
Name Type Description
source Entity The object to be merged into this object.


Removed a property previously added with addProperty.
Name Type Description
propertyName String The name of the property to remove.

Type Definitions


Initialization options for the Entity constructor
Name Type Attributes Description
id String <optional>
A unique identifier for this object. If none is provided, a GUID is generated.
name String <optional>
A human readable name to display to users. It does not have to be unique.
availability TimeIntervalCollection <optional>
The availability, if any, associated with this object.
show Boolean <optional>
A boolean value indicating if the entity and its children are displayed.
description Property | string <optional>
A string Property specifying an HTML description for this entity.
position PositionProperty | Cartesian3 <optional>
A Property specifying the entity position.
orientation Property <optional>
A Property specifying the entity orientation.
viewFrom Property <optional>
A suggested initial offset for viewing this object.
parent Entity <optional>
A parent entity to associate with this entity.
billboard BillboardGraphics | BillboardGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A billboard to associate with this entity.
box BoxGraphics | BoxGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A box to associate with this entity.
corridor CorridorGraphics | CorridorGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A corridor to associate with this entity.
cylinder CylinderGraphics | CylinderGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A cylinder to associate with this entity.
ellipse EllipseGraphics | EllipseGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A ellipse to associate with this entity.
ellipsoid EllipsoidGraphics | EllipsoidGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A ellipsoid to associate with this entity.
label LabelGraphics | LabelGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A options.label to associate with this entity.
model ModelGraphics | ModelGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A model to associate with this entity.
tileset Cesium3DTilesetGraphics | Cesium3DTilesetGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A 3D Tiles tileset to associate with this entity.
path PathGraphics | PathGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A path to associate with this entity.
plane PlaneGraphics | PlaneGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A plane to associate with this entity.
point PointGraphics | PointGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A point to associate with this entity.
polygon PolygonGraphics | PolygonGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A polygon to associate with this entity.
polyline PolylineGraphics | PolylineGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A polyline to associate with this entity.
properties PropertyBag | Object.<string, *> <optional>
Arbitrary properties to associate with this entity.
polylineVolume PolylineVolumeGraphics | PolylineVolumeGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A polylineVolume to associate with this entity.
rectangle RectangleGraphics | RectangleGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A rectangle to associate with this entity.
wall WallGraphics | WallGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A wall to associate with this entity.
conicSensor ConicSensorGraphics | ConicSensorGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A conic sensor to associate with this entity.
customPatternSensor CustomPatternSensorGraphics | CustomPatternSensorGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A custom pattern sensor to associate with this entity.
rectangularSensor RectangularSensorGraphics | RectangularSensorGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A rectangular sensor to associate with this entity.
fan FanGraphics | FanGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A fan to associate with this entity.
vector VectorGraphics | VectorGraphics.ConstructorOptions <optional>
A vector to associate with this entity.