
SWVL new Cesium.FanGraphics(options)

An optionally time-dynamic fan.
Name Type Description
options FanGraphics.ConstructorOptions optional Object describing initialization options


readonly definitionChanged : Event

Gets the event that is raised whenever a new property is assigned.

directions : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Spherical Property specifying the directions that define the fan.

distanceDisplayCondition : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the DistanceDisplayCondition Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this plane will be displayed.
Gets or sets the Boolean Property specifying whether the fan should be filled.
Gets or sets the MaterialProperty specifying the appearance of the fan.

numberOfRings : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the numberic Property specifying the number of outline rings to draw for the outline, starting from the outer edge and equidistantly spaced towards the center.
Gets or sets the Boolean Property specifying whether the fan should be outlined.

outlineColor : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Color Property specifying whether the color of the outline.

outlineWidth : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the Number Property specifying the width of the outline.

perDirectionRadius : Property|undefined

Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying whether or not to use the magnitude of each direction instead of a constant radius.
Gets or sets the numeric Property specifying the radius of the fan.
Get or sets the enum Property specifying whether the fan casts or receives shadows from each light source.
Default Value: ShadowMode.DISABLED
Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the fan's visibility.


Duplicates a FanGraphics instance.
Name Type Description
result FanGraphics optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if one was not provided.
Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.
Name Type Description
source FanGraphics The object to be merged into this object.

Type Definitions


Initialization options for the FanGraphics constructor
Name Type Attributes Default Description
show Property | boolean <optional>
true A boolean Property specifying the visibility of the box.
directions Property | Array.<Spherical> <optional>
The directions, pointing outward from the origin, that defined the fan.
radius Property | Number <optional>
The radius at which to draw the fan.
perDirectionRadius Property | Boolean <optional>
false When set to true, the magnitude of each direction is used in place of a constant radius.
fill Property | Boolean <optional>
true A boolean Property specifying whether the cylinder is filled with the provided material.
material MaterialProperty | Color <optional>
Color.WHITE A Property specifying the material used to fill the cylinder.
outline Property | Boolean <optional>
false A boolean Property specifying whether the cylinder is outlined.
outlineColor Property | Color <optional>
Color.BLACK A Property specifying the Color of the outline.
outlineWidth Property | Number <optional>
1.0 A numeric Property specifying the width of the outline.
numberOfRings Property | Number <optional>
Gets or sets the numberic Property specifying the number of outline rings to draw for the outline, starting from the outer edge and equidistantly spaced towards the center.
shadows Property | ShadowMode <optional>
ShadowMode.DISABLED Get or sets the enum Property specifying whether the fan casts or receives shadows from each light source.
distanceDisplayCondition Property | DistanceDisplayCondition <optional>
Gets or sets the DistanceDisplayCondition Property specifying at what distance from the camera that this plane will be displayed.