The Planet Object

The Planet object models orbital and other properties of a planet, a moon, an asteroid or the sun. Select one or more of the following to model a planet and impose constraints:

Basic Properties

Property Description
Definition Identify the ephemeris source for a planet.
Description Record useful information about the planet.

2D Graphics Properties

Property Description
Attributes Control color and marker style for the planet in the 2D Graphics window, and opt whether to inherit or override global settings made at the scenario level.

3D Graphics Properties

Property Description
Attributes Control color, marker style and label display for the star in the 3D Graphics window, and opt whether to inherit or override attributes defined for 2D graphics.


Property Description

Impose constraints on access from the following available constraint categories for a Planet object:

  • Basic: Planet only uses the Line Of Sight constraint in this category
  • Analysis Workbench (AWB): Constraints that involve an Analysis Workbench (AWB) component (Angle, Calculation Scalar, Condition, or Vector)
  • Plugins: Your own plugin constraints, which compute a plugin-defined metric that you define
Settings Select access constraint conditions that apply generally to access computations involving this Planet object.