Description | Example | Return message | Group

CalculationTool Condition

Define and modify Condition components and templates.


CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition" | "ConditionTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>]

Related commands


The "CalculationTool Condition" command is used to add, modify and delete Condition components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the "ConditionTemplate" keyword must be entered.

The Condition component type is not valid for Star objects.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{ConditionType} [<TypeParams>]<TypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <TypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify{ConditionType} <TypeParams>The values <ComponentName> {ConditionType} must define an existing Condition component or template. The {ConditionType} can not be modified. <TypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADelete the component or template identified by <ComponentName>

Any or all of the <TypeParams> for an {ConditionType} can be specified on a command line, except where indicated.

The following table describes each Condition type and its parameters.


Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • Operation {And | Or | Xor | Minus}
  • Conditions {Add | Replace} <Num> "<Condition>"...
  • RemoveCondition <Num>

Enter Conditions Add to add the specified Conditions to the list, and enter Conditions Replace to replace the component's Conditions with the specified Conditions. <Num> indicates the number of Conditions entered.

For the Remove option enter the index number of the component to be removed. The first component in the list has an index of 1. Use the CalculationTool_R with the Details option to see the list of components.

If Operation is MINUS there must be only two components. For all other operations there must be at least two components in the list.

"Scalar Bounds"
  • Scalar "<CalcScalar>"
  • Operation {AboveMinimum | BelowMaximum | BetweenMinMax | OutsideMinMax}
  • Minimum <Value>
  • Maximum <Value>

If the dimension of the Scalar is Time, Distance, or Date, then Minimum and Maximum <Value> is entered in Connect units. If the dimension of the Scalar is Angle, <Value> is entered in degrees. Otherwise, <Value> is entered in Scenario units.

"Trajectory Within Volume"
  • TrajectoryPoint "<Point>"
  • SpatialCondition "<SpatialCondition>"

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<CalcScalar>") see Component Specification.

When specifying a reference component or template in the Create or Modify commands the {ComponentType} is implied based on the {ConditionType} being created or modified and the {ComponentType} need not be entered. In the last example below, "Satellite/ScenTestSat SatVec1.Cartesian.Z" can be entered instead of "Satellite/ScenTestSat SatVec1.Cartesian.Z Scalar Calculation", since the command is expecting a Scalar Calculation.


To create and modify a Scalar Bounds Condition:

CalculationTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Condition" SatCondition1 "Scalar Bounds"
CalculationTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Condition" SatCondition1 "Scalar Bounds" Operation OutsideMinMax Minimum 1200.0 Maximum 6600.0

To create, modify and then delete a Scalar Bounds Condition for Earth:

CalculationTool * CentralBody/Earth Create "Condition" EarthCondition5 "Scalar Bounds"
CalculationTool * CentralBody/Earth Modify "Condition" EarthCondition5 "Scalar Bounds" Scalar "Satellite/ScenTestSat SatVec1.Cartesian.Z"
CalculationTool * CentralBody/Earth Delete "Condition" EarthCondition5

To create and modify a Trajectory Within Volume Condition:

CalculationTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Condition" SatCondition2 "Trajectory Within Volume"
CalculationTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Condition" SatCondition2 "Trajectory Within Volume" TrajectoryPoint "Satellite/Satellite1 ICRF.Origin Point" SpatialCondition "Satellite/Satellite1 Sunlight"

To create and modify a Combined Condition:

CalculationTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Create "Condition" Combine2 "Combined"
CalculationTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Modify "Condition" Combine3 "Combined" Operation Xor Conditions Add 3 "Satellite/Satellite1 AltBelow1000 Condition" "Satellite/Satellite1 AboveEquator Condition" "Satellite/Satellite1 InSunlight Condition"
CalculationTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Modify "Condition" Combine3 "Combined" RemoveCondition 2

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects

