Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about CalculationTool components.


CalculationTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The CalculationTool_RM command can be used to return information about CalculationTool components.

Details[Template] "<ComponentSpec>" [IncludeDescriptions]Returns information about the component as a list of strings. Use the Template keyword if the component is a template.

With the IncludeDescriptions keyword the component type description and user description, if available, will also be returned.

Use the CalculationTool_R command to return Details information in a single string.

Dependency"<ComponentSpec>" [{Dependents | Constituents}] Return the Dependents or Constituents of the specified component. The default type is Dependents.

The Dependency option is not valid for a template.

Object <ObjectTruncPath>Specify the object to return components for that object, or specify a class to return components or templates for that class or for Central Bodies.

Enter Class CentralBody to return components for all Central Bodies, enter Object CentralBody/<CBName> to return components for just the specified central body.

Object and Class cannot be entered on the same command.

The default is to return components for all objects.

Class {<ClassName> | CentralBody}
Type {"<Type>"}Specify the type of component to return, e.g. "Calculation Scalar", Condition, etc.

The default is to return all component types.

{Installed | User}Enter Installed to return only installed components, enter User to return user components.

The default is to return both Installed and User components.

TemplatesEnter Templates to return templates instead of components. The Class <ClassName> must be entered when requesting Templates!
Return a list of Calculation component or template specifications.

For information on "<ComponentSpec>" formats see Component Specification.


Return information about the specified Condition:

CalculationTool_RM * Details "CentralBody/Earth AfterStart Condition"

Return message

Condition Type: Scalar Bounds Condition Name: AfterStart Condition Parent: Earth Scalar: Earth ElapsedTimeFromStart Operation: Above Minimum Minimum: 0.0000 sec


Return the constituents of the specified AfterStart Condition:

CalculationTool_RM * Dependency "CentralBody/Earth AfterStart Condition" Constituents

Return message

Constituents for Earth AfterStart Condition    CentralBody/Earth ElapsedTimeFromStart Scalar Calculation      CentralBody/Earth AvailabilityStartTime Time Instant        CentralBody/Earth AvailabilityTimeSpan Interval          CentralBody/Earth AvailabilityIntervals Interval List            CentralBody/Earth Object


Return the names of "Scalar Calculation" components for all Satellites:

CalculationTool_RM * Names Class Satellite Type "Scalar Calculation"

Return message

Satellite/ScenTestSat ElapsedTimeFromStart Scalar Calculation Satellite/ScenTestSat ElapsedTimeFromStop Scalar Calculation Satellite/ScenTestSat2 ElapsedTimeFromStart Scalar Calculation Satellite/ScenTestSat2 ElapsedTimeFromStop Scalar Calculation


Return the names of "Parameter Set" components for Earth:

CalculationTool_RM * Names Type "Parameter Set" Object CentralBody/Earth

Return message

CentralBody/Earth Attitude(ICRF) Parameter Set CentralBody/Earth Orbit Parameter Set CentralBody/Earth Trajectory(CBI) Parameter Set

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects

