Description | Example | Return message | Group


Set your STK preferences.


SetPreferences <ApplicationPath> {Type} {Options}

Related commands


The SetPreferences command allows you to set preferences for STK. The {Type} will indicate the name of a Tab on the UI Edit - Preferences panel. Currently only one option has been implemented for this command.

When {Type} is General the valid values for {Options} are:

ShowSaveOnCloseDialog {Yes | No}Specify whether the Save on Close dialog will be displayed when saving a Scenario to which changes have been made. If No is selected then the Scenario will close with no changes being made. The default value is Yes.
EnableGpuAcceleratedAnalysis {Yes | No}Some analysis features in STK can be accelerated by using the processing power of the computer's graphics card (GPU). Specify whether STK can use the GPU for analysis. If No is selected, the STK will perform the analysis on the CPU. The default value is Yes.


SetPreferences / General ShowSaveOnCloseDialog Yes

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Application Options

